what phobias do you have

Author Topic: what phobias do you have  (Read 3249 times)

my main ones are arachnophobia, trypanophobia, and trypophobia

Batophobia,Acrophobia and Arachnophobia

minor arachnophobia, and like scared of heights but when looking up at something tall rather than looking down

also blfphobia

common sense

im actually super scared of crickets but ive never found out it its a phobia or just me overreacting

every single flying bug besides butterflys, flies, or ladybugs scare the stuff out of me so much so that sometimes i wont even go outside if i know theres a wasp nest near the exit door or if there's a bee in a bush near my car

every single flying bug besides butterflys, flies, or ladybugs scare the stuff out of me so much so that sometimes i wont even go outside if i know theres a wasp nest near the exit door or if there's a bee in a bush near my car
bees and wasps are my loving kryptonite

bees and wasps are my loving kryptonite

im way more okay with bees than i am with wasps but the problem with bees is they want to smell you and stuff and i have a literal spasm when they get close to me