Author Topic: thoughts on polyamory  (Read 4772 times)

hey this is my thread
i try to expand it jus cus u made it doesnt mean i cant contribute to the topik

i try to expand it jus cus u made it doesnt mean i cant contribute to the topik
:^) im just joshin u

also the person i was talking to yesterday is fine about it now we have been snapchatting pleasantly

it hasn't really gotten to that point with anybody so far. it could happen but rn i'm just having fun with multiple people
That's sorta how I am rn. Just sorta casually hooking up with a few people. It's a p good time, this format of relationship is relatively stress-free haha. Usually tho one person gets more attached then the other, and that's when things go bad.

That's sorta how I am rn. Just sorta casually hooking up with a few people. It's a p good time, this format of relationship is relatively stress-free haha. Usually tho one person gets more attached then the other, and that's when things go bad.
yeah i'm not loving anybody yet but thats p much what im going for. we gotta enjoy it while it lasts yo

I say as long as people are in the mindset for it. For example, in a three way kinda thing, I would say everyone has to be aware that one guy/gal might get attracted to a single other, and one guy/gal is gonna get shafted - and everyone's okay with that.

I personally don't want to participate in polyamory, but I think that it can be a healthy/happy experience for the people who do enjoy it.

Polyamory emotionally destroyed me last year and left me with serious trust issues when nobody had told me there were others in the relationship until a while in. I have bad jealousy issues, get really attached, and just need to be in a regular couple.

Polyamory emotionally destroyed me last year and left me with serious trust issues when nobody had told me there were others in the relationship until a while in. I have bad jealousy issues, get really attached, and just need to be in a regular couple.
In my opinion, that's just cheating. If your partner isn't open about their other partners from the beginning, and doesn't give you a chance to decide if you want to carry on or not, then they've just cheated on you behind your back. And you're well in your rights to be upset and angry at that.

I don't think I could be in a polyamorous relationship. I can't see myself loving two people to the same extent, and it would also hurt me to know that my partner doesn't love me to a similar extent that I love them. I would get jealous, basically.

So for me, I would want to end up in a monogamous relationship.
I don't have an issue with the polyamorous though, as long as they are open and truthful to all their partners. I can't stand cheating, and I would be devastated if someone cheated on me.

I've experience joining in on another couple for a few months and I've got to say, it seems like a great deal and everyone may seem like they're fine but really one of them is a lot less into it than the other. In my case, the guy was openly fine with me and the Mrs going at it but the further I saw into their lives the more I knew she wanted freedom and he wanted her so he put up with it.
Maybe it can work for some people but from what I've heard and experienced, it seldom ends well.

My ex girlfriend left me to become polyamory.

Now she's on the rebound with other 5 random strangers she met.

My ex girlfriend left me to become polyamory.

Now she's on the rebound with other 5 random strangers she met.
You don't usually leave somebody to be polygamous...

You don't usually leave somebody to be polygamous...

Well she did and now she wonders why I called her a slut.

Well she did and now she wonders why I called her a slut.
if you're going to come in here just to throw shade and not bring up any sort of point, get the forget out.

im 200% sure im not polyamorous, seeing as to how ive died because of a cheater already. i have like big jealousy and abandonment issues lol shti sucks but on the flipside im loyal af in any form of relationship :D

Most people want to be poly because they want to be able to forget other people and for it to be okay.

So if your girlfriend asks to be poly you have two options.

Say no, for her to leave you in the future so she can get forgeted by like 5 guys at once.

Say yes, get cucked.

Your girlfriend wanting to be poly is a lose/lose situation for you.