Author Topic: JitankIscigarette - BLM troll, autism magnet  (Read 36028 times)

if your mother died and you posted about it in drama you'd get banned
i meant on the blockland forums, not drama

OP: Not providing context for some of the quotes paints a different picture.
Furdle in Africa rn

nah he can stay he gave me a good chuckle
This and many other ignorant jokes were made before i posted my part. It was a joke anyway. But you know, if its me joking, im "troll."

So whatever. I know im not a troll. And if im seen as annoying. So be it.

/NoSuppost bc false information

Oh i forgot to add misleading information

OP: Not providing context for some of the quotes paints a different picture.This and many other ignorant jokes were made before i posted my part. It was a joke anyway. But you know, if its me joking, im "troll."

So whatever. I know im not a troll. And if im seen as annoying. So be it.

/NoSuppost bc false information
dude fighting the white man is an uphill battle. just give up already and play the loving game. nobody here is ever going to understand you or relate because most people here are too privileged to even leave their house

imagine your mother died and you made a post here explaining it and asking for support, and instead of supporting, one kid decides to spit on your dead mother's grave with a couple insults. Imagine how broken and infuriated you'd beel. Now take that scenario and instead of a dead mother its most of your dead ancestors who were murdered, separated from their families, and forced into subhuman status for 200 years. Its a bit more infuriating to be called monday, trust me.

Sure you can turn off your computer and not read the insults, but then again you can turn off your computer and ignore jitank instead of supporting his drama
Or you could grow up and not let a word offend you.

dude fighting the white man is an uphill battle. just give up already and play the loving game. nobody here is ever going to understand you or relate because most people here are too privileged to even leave their house
are you serious right now?

Or you could grow up and not let a word offend you.
its not on the victim to grow up and not care; its on the offender to grow up and stop being an starfish. the whole drama section exists for that reason, not to yell at people about stuff like 'just ignore it you're falling for bait stop caring." Not caring isn't going to stop starfishs from being starfishs.

imagine your mother died and you made a post here explaining it and asking for support, and instead of supporting, one kid decides to spit on your dead mother's grave with a couple insults. Imagine how broken and infuriated you'd beel. Now take that scenario and instead of a dead mother its most of your dead ancestors who were murdered, separated from their families, and forced into subhuman status for 200 years. Its a bit more infuriating to be called monday, trust me.

Sure you can turn off your computer and not read the insults, but then again you can turn off your computer and ignore jitank instead of supporting his drama
Don't get me wrong, I'd be upset. But I'd also still learn to move past it. I can't just go and clock the guy even if he did something like that. I live by the moral of, "Turn the other cheek".
And I get what you're saying that I shouldn't be posting my support and this thread because it's counter-intuitive in my own mentality. But it's more than likely that everyone in this thread will forgive and forget after time. As would I in the situation you gave me. I'm not saying you shouldn't be upset. I'm just saying that you shouldn't take it too far.

its not on the victim to grow up and not care; its on the offender to grow up and stop being an starfish. the whole drama section exists for that reason, not to yell at people about stuff like 'just ignore it you're falling for bait stop caring." Not caring isn't going to stop starfishs from being starfishs.
Yes but learning to not care will stop starfish from getting to you. The world isn't always going to be sunshine and rainbows and it's better to learn to build up resistance to it.

Something that's being lost here is that the issue is jitanks behavior, not his race

Don't get me wrong, I'd be upset. But I'd also still learn to move past it. I can't just go and clock the guy even if he did something like that. I live by the moral of, "Turn the other cheek".
And I get what you're saying that I shouldn't be posting my support and this thread because it's counter-intuitive in my own mentality. But it's more than likely that everyone in this thread will forgive and forget after time. As would I in the situation you gave me. I'm not saying you shouldn't be upset. I'm just saying that you shouldn't take it too far.
its hard to forgive and forget when people keep opening up your wounds as an individual of a race. Trust me, i hold no grudge against white people for the tribal history. However, i do hold a grudge  against white people for having a tribal present

Something that's being lost here is that the issue is jitanks behavior, not his race
he only does this on race-related threads. Its possible that jitank would be pretty harmless if people weren't being so tribal

Someone said a mean word online once I'm such a victim

he only does this on race-related threads. Its possible that jitank would be pretty harmless if people weren't being so tribal
That is bullstuff and you know it.

he only does this on race-related threads. Its possible that jitank would be pretty harmless if people weren't being so tribal
the thing is he makes threads race-related
seriously 99% of his posts are about racial oppression