
what do

kill CIA
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go back to city
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other (say it below nigs)
4 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: The (probably) stupid story of a blockhead  (Read 9475 times)

Pull out dat colt and do a drive by on the gas station, then steal all its stuff for free road trip supplies.

Go to Boston! Everybody loves Boston!

(Posting again because forget you.  Alt. Option)

Manage to find an ongoing Blockland Convention.

Call out de homies n Jitankiscigarette and go driveby with side-wielded akimbo micro uzis at a enemy gang leader´s house.

So he heads out for ACM city! (bcus poll said so sry guys)

When in the tunnel he finds a golden coin! lucky guy
It is probably worth about 100 dollars, looks really old, pure gold and really fancy

After some time in the highway, he finally arrives to ACM city
but it looks like there is some type of convention

he speeds up and 'accidentaly' runs over some guys
god damnit blockhead

but darkness envelops him

He then feels lovey and forgets some socks

Some time later he calls his homies to forget the enemy gang leader
they didn't have uzis tho, so they simply take out an RPG

Now that he had a lovey time and a revenge...

... what should he do now?

Continue mad maxing and get witnessed.

Leave while jacking off to leaving

He feels lovey again, and touches himself furiously

he is pleased...

he then has the crazy idea to attempt to fly, so he gets to the school roof and jump

but goddamnit he forgot he still had a boner
and breaks his loving richard

he is now angry at how stupid he was, so he just runs over some mondays because forget it he's mad
but he was witnessed! and by the police

no witnesses

he walks and enters an store
Blockhead: hello do you know flolop
Manager: Yeah, he's the local mechanic/engineer idk what the forget he is
Blockhead: where do I find him?
Manager: He works at the gas station, he has a little garage over there. But I don't think you could find him at this hour, maybe tommorrow

goddamnit, he is not at the gas station
and it's already night

so what should he do?
Keep searching, or something else? (poll cigaretteets)
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 11:26:08 PM by Checko2100 »

have love with the asphalt in the road

Fix richard

Do this

Also how exactly are you getting the two guys to sit down and stare up? Been a while since I used the Bot_Hole events, and I'm not sure if they can even do that.

walk around and start wanding everything and shooting people