Author Topic: [NEWS] N. Korea to conduct sixth nuclear bomb test amidst rising tensions  (Read 18045 times)

And from the ashes, a new Korea will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make Korea great again!

i probably spend more time doing 70mph google searches and using amazing copy and pasting skills quickly than I actually use time being useful

that was like

a five-second google search

tony is asking how you stop those artillery rounds from hitting the ground, not how you take out their source

SK will be completely forgeted up by time we finish with NK.
there is no way to avoid it, and it will happen in our lifetimes.

NK is undeveloped and will be back up and running just fine a week later under whatever puppets we put in charge.
SK is a first world nation that will be set back for decades.

I hope N-korea doesmt have a missile radar thing and wont have time to launch missiles back when we do

Just bomb it already

The time it takes to destroy artillery sources the barrage of artillery fire will already hit the capital of South Korea.

It can't be stopped. You can't stop the projectiles which they are already prepared to release at any minute.

The time it takes to destroy artillery sources the barrage of artillery fire will already hit the capital of South Korea.

It can't be stopped. You can't stop the projectiles which they are already prepared to release at any minute.
You can prevent it by threatening mutually assured destruction.
Or, to phrase it in a way you can understand:
North Korea will be blown up by South Korea if they try to blow up South Korea.
North Korea no want blow up.

You can prevent it by threatening mutually assured destruction.
Or, to phrase it in a way you can understand:
North Korea will be blown up by South Korea if they try to blow up South Korea.
North Korea no want blow up.

Or let me phrase stuff in a way you can understand.

What the forget will threats of mutually assured destruction do if North Korea is suicidal anyways?
North Korea's pride is more important.
Dennis Rodman's Pal no care.

One of the basics of international relations: states are rational. I don't think Kim Jong-un wants his palace to be blown up. None of its generals want to lose their positions due to their state no longer existing. And so on.

NK is already on the mindset they will die no matter what and there is no peaceful solution.

They are getting ready for a last laugh effort.

NK is already on the mindset they will die no matter what and there is no peaceful solution.

They are getting ready for a last laugh effort.
[citation needed]

I hear the start of a 10 page argument brewing

Are you this ignorant to deny that North Korea can destroy South Korea?

I'd say he's anything but ignorant

Except I haven't responded to tony in this thread lol so using a fallacy seems rather difficult
Oops silly me I forgot you're nothing more than common troll garbage why did I think you were worth replying to

Also ok tony lol

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Good night sweet prince :^(

Except I haven't responded to tony in this thread lol so using a fallacy seems rather difficult
Oops silly me I forgot you're nothing more than common troll garbage why did I think you were worth replying to

Also ok tony lol

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