Author Topic: [NEWS] N. Korea to conduct sixth nuclear bomb test amidst rising tensions  (Read 18047 times)

South Korea will get decimated by an artillery strike anyways lol.

there basically is no outcome where both north and south dont get forgeted together. there is no way we can protect them lol

north korea would be significantly more forgeted than the south

north korea would be significantly more forgeted than the south

How? They have literally nothing to lose.

This is like telling a Self Delete bomber "hey bro you will get significantly forgeted more than us" he doesn't loving care.

How? They have literally nothing to lose.

This is like telling a Self Delete bomber "hey bro you will get significantly forgeted more than us" he doesn't loving care.
because nobody outside of north korea really gives a forget about north korea, but people still like south korea so they'll be supported by the united states and other countries who like it

because nobody outside of north korea really gives a forget about north korea


Because Russia and or China will occupy North Korea once this happens and South won't get the North back.

quit feeding tony you handicaps

quit feeding tony you handicaps

You honestly don't believe North Korea couldn't decimate South on their way out?

They already have artillery pointed at their capital which will flattened it in minutes.

i want global thermonuclear war
it's a fun game i've played it

If you pretend tonys not there his stupidity can't hurt you or your loved ones.

If we could have an actual petition that bans Tony from News and political topics i'd sign it

If we could have an actual petition that bans Tony from News and political topics i'd sign it
That would still be feeding him and he would wear that like a badge of honor
 just ignore all the dumb things he says and move on with ur day

I'm stating a fact that North Korea can kill South Korea in the process.

If North Korea absolutely wasn't a threat as everyone claims they aren't in this thread we would have invaded them by now.

This isn't CIA where we have multiple allied and truced nations in the area with airstrikes and a naval fleet because they know CIA is unable to fully destroy an entire nation.

just ignore it guys be stronger and better than tony

just ignore it guys be stronger and better than tony

Are you this ignorant to deny that North Korea can destroy South Korea?

Because I've been stating this for months now and it is entirely possible. You think because they are a smaller nation with less advanced tech that it's not possible, you're way off.

Let's talk about tech for a second. A .22 bullet can still kill you with 1 hit to the head just like a .500 magnum could. What is the difference as long as you know how to use either of them properly?

Even our most advanced anti-missile systems can be countered by lower tier tech.

Our most advanced missiles can still be countered by lower tier anti missle tech.

The tech for these weapons can't get any better until there is more innovation.