Author Topic: Blockland Glass Hosting Service [Closing]  (Read 56906 times)

There seems to be huge performance issues between vehicles and static shapes and occasionally modter.

The server was using ~65% of its available CPU and ~50% of its available memory. Add-Ons and poor optimization can impact server performance despite having more resources available.

Small update to improve reliability. Should fix the infinite "Connecting..." screens.

could you have it so the console window does not drop to the bottom every time it updates. its kinda annoying trying to look for stuff

could you have it so the console window does not drop to the bottom every time it updates. its kinda annoying trying to look for stuff
thats just how console works, even on clients and normal servers

to get it to freeze, select any character in the console window. note this will make the server hang as soon as anything is echoed, and will only stop after you press esc to clear your selection

thats just how console works, even on clients and normal servers

to get it to freeze, select any character in the console window. note this will make the server hang as soon as anything is echoed, and will only stop after you press esc to clear your selection
This is a web based console, it definitely can be fixed  

The same goes for the chat window

Several nodes seem to be having DNS issues resolving any * domain. I have switched the DNS server on a few of the nodes to Google DNS, which worked temporarily, but it appears those are now returning SERVFAIL too. I will continue investigating and tracking the issue.

Several nodes seem to be having DNS issues resolving any * domain. I have switched the DNS server on a few of the nodes to Google DNS, which worked temporarily, but it appears those are now returning SERVFAIL too. I will continue investigating and tracking the issue.
It seems like it's an issue for the entire *.us register.

i sent a ticket but im gonna post here anyways.

i cant connect to my node at all, sucks because i wanted to host a gamemode today

i sent a ticket but im gonna post here anyways.

i cant connect to my node at all, sucks because i wanted to host a gamemode today

Replied, was at work.

Due to new SSL certificates being distributed, all servers need to be restarted tonight. I will do so at midnight EST. You won't be able to access your panel until this is done, so please open a support ticket if you would like it done sooner.

Multiple servers experiencing a DDoS attack. Will post updates as I investigate.

At least us6, us9, and us10 are being directly impacted. I am away from a computer until this afternoon and will address the issues and compensate clients then.

People wasting their life sending packets to a small community instead of using that time to make real money, sad

Grr I really hate online block building game

i big smart computer guy i make them pay!

Finally looking in to the issue, it seems that us9 and us10 were only impacted briefly this morning. us9 received a small spike at around 8:00 AM and a larger one 10:30 AM, while us10 got a spike at around 10:45 AM about four times as large.

us6 has been flagged for sending a very large amount of traffic and I'm working with support to get more information. No clear indicators in the server logs. I will be attempting to transfer us6 to a new node, but I have limited network access at the moment as the server has been quarantined.