
What was your favorite enemy so far?

Dr. Badguy's Robots
1 (4.3%)
Dr. Badguy
0 (0%)
The Talking Banhammers
1 (4.3%)
The Ultra-Banhammer 5000
14 (60.9%)
Zorbus, Klaxor, and Haliegh
2 (8.7%)
The Stupid Zombie Noobs
1 (4.3%)
The Super Dangerous Death Dealing Dandelion of Doom
0 (0%)
The Jiggy-Jogger 2000
2 (8.7%)
Robo-Fran and The Peyton 2000
0 (0%)
The Eraser Woman
1 (4.3%)
The Bionic Spammer Boy
1 (4.3%)
0 (0%)
Carl and Franken-Spammer
0 (0%)
Evil Fran and Evil Peyton
0 (0%)
Giant Evil Cooper
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: Super Stick: The RNG Game [PUPER PLICK'S SURPRISE]  (Read 57555 times)

Throw an EMP at the Bionic Spammer Boy.

Copy Kirby rolls a 7!
You healed yourself with Super Healing Power Juice. Your HP went up by 4 hearts!

ZeUberMedic! rolls a 7!
You gained hulk like strength and broke out of the spam bricks. ATK+

CRITAWAKETS rolls a 7!
You revived yourself.

Marios rolls a 4!
You threw an EMP Grenade at the Bionic Spammer Boy. 62 damage inflicted!

bobbygordon4 rolls a 5!
You shot an RPG-7 at the BSB. 100 damage inflicted!

BSB HP: 314.

Players HP:
Copy Kirby: 8/8.
ZeUberMedic!: 5/8.
Marios: 8/8.
bobbygordon4: 8/8.

WARNING! Ear Rape!
The Bionic Spammer Boy, due to all the damage inflicted, screams at a volume of 50 Db. The loud noise causes bobbygordon4 to lose 2 hearts!

bobby HP: 6/8.

Nix the Glaceon rolls a 3!
You threw a fish at the BSB, but he just catches it and eats it.
BSB HP: 314 (still).

Nix HP: 6/8.

Hand over a hearing aid to bobby, healing the two lost hearts

Grab a megaphone, shout to a microphone connected to speakers pointed toward the boss and shout:

Hey, you need to speak quietly, alright?

throw a boulder at the enemy

"lemme tell you a sto- JUST KIDDING BITCH" I use an AK-47 on the 50 foot tall raccooneer.

Climb him and put a bomb in his ear then run away.

Do a necromancy to raise a zombie, compelling the boss to do the Thriller with it
and then smash the boss over the head with a shovel mid-dance

Off Topic: What do you think was the hardest fight so far?

hm... maybe eraser woman idk

Superfun909 rolls a 7!
You handed bobbygordon4 a hearing aid, which causes him to replenish 2 hearts!

Marios rolls a 2!
You tried to tell the BSB to be quiet, but he screams even louder, causing You, ZeUberMedic!, CRITAWAKETS, and Nix the Glaceon to lose 2 hearts!

ZeUberMedic! rolls a 5!
You threw a boulder at the BSB. 102 damage inflicted!

CRITAWAKETS rolls a 4!
You shot an AK-47 at the BSB. 50 damage inflicted!

bobbygordon4 rolls a 5!
You climbed up the BSB and then threw grenades in his ears. You jump off as they explode, inflicted 200 damage.

The damage was so high that the BSB falls over.

Cooper beats the living stuff out of the Bionic Spammer Boy with oversized novelty items (A fake Destructo Wand, a Fake Boxing Glove, and a Fake pair of teeth). Then, the Bionic Spammer Boy falls over. A news team reports of the massive beast, while Rac's parents come in. They change Raccooneer1214 back to normal, and also free the principal. However, the two now have accidentally switched brains (The Principal saying You Suck over and over, while Raccooneer saying that he will punish Fran and Peyton so hard, their children will be born with detentions). Suddenly, the 3 huge chunks of spam blocks that were blown off of Raccooneer1214 come to life. An extended Octo-Claw comes out of a spam chunk and smashes the Mixturizer 3000, destroying it, causing Rac's parents to flee. The 3 spam chunks then start to grow Robotic Tentacles, Arms, and Legs respectively to their body. They start chasing Fran, Peyton, The Principal, RACCOONEER1214, and Cooper. The 5 then get cornered in an alley, but Cooper manages to swallow the 3 Robo-Spammers and shoot them to Urstar fish. When the Robo-Spammers are on Urstar fish, a spaceship comes by. The Robo-Spammers jump on the spaceship as it's heading back to Earth. When they get back, they destroy the Space Shuttle and go after the crew in the observatory. But the Principal and Rac now have switched their brains to their proper bodies just in time when they arrive. However, Raccooneer1214 now has all of Super Stick's powers (as Super Stick's DNA was also transferred to Raccooneer's body). Rac refuses to let the Super Stick have his powers back unless Fran and Peyton make another comic book about him beating the Super Stick and becoming the world's new greatest Superhero. The two refuse, but the Super Stick informs Rac that he has the power of art on his side, and that nobody can take it from him. Immediately, the three rush to the Space Launch Site where the Robo-Spammers are about to eat the people and crew inside the observatory. But when Super Stick, Fran, and Peyton arrive, they immediately put all their attention on them. Trixie then chases Super Stick, Fran, and Peyton as Carl and Franken-Spammer continue eating the observatory. Trixie chases the 3 to a nearby alley, backing them into a corner.


TRIXIE HP: 1125.
Enemy Difficulty: Medium.
(The rest of the attacks were cancelled).

Superfun909: 6/8.
Marios: 6/8.
ZeUberMedic!: 3/8 (CAUTION: Low Health).
Nix the Glaceon: 4/8 (CAUTION: Low Health).
bobbygordon4: 8/8.