Author Topic: Multiplayer games that need more players!  (Read 3734 times)

Star Wars Battlefront II for PS2. The most people I've played with in one match was about 9 people. WE NEED MOOOOORE!

Sub Rosa. i almost never see players on this anymore.
essentially you need to get disks or sell disks to get $$$. getting disks almost always ends in a gunfight, either between you and other players or you and the AI in a building.
it's still in early access and is expected to release 2017 but the dev is slow on updates which seems to have turned people away.
steam page (can't buy from here but its got a description)
demo downloads
where you can actually purchase the game (mark yes on question 5)
also someone made a bot that tweets whenever a server has players

Tower Unite

The successor to GMod Tower. Currently in Early Access, it lacks a lot of content compared to its forefather in its current state but it's getting there.

Sub Rosa. i almost never see players on this anymore.
essentially you need to get disks or sell disks to get $$$. getting disks almost always ends in a gunfight, either between you and other players or you and the AI in a building.
it's still in early access and is expected to release 2017 but the dev is slow on updates which seems to have turned people away.
steam page (can't buy from here but its got a description)
demo downloads
where you can actually purchase the game (mark yes on question 5)
also someone made a bot that tweets whenever a server has players

You can't purchase copies of this game until it comes out.
It is really fun though, anyone interested should follow its development.
Just be warned, the developer has delayed the game quite a few times.
Here's his twitter.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 05:44:08 PM by Maya67 »