Author Topic: Blockland Campaign: The Gold Brick (Gamemode World 1 Released!)  (Read 20141 times)

Add me looking at a coconut.

With the text "I want. :C"

Can you make me say, "Hail Communism!" while I look at a Soviet flag? Thanks!

The plume is the third choice btw, the one with 5
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 07:08:37 PM by Zotron »

have me die or what ever

Will add everyone, thanks.

Does anyone know what Ephi's avatar looked like? I could really use it.
Also, first area of Scuttler's Cove:

You should have a BLC / BEE clan there :)

I'd love to help out in some way if your still in need of it ;)

You should have a BLC / BEE clan there :)

Will do.

I'd love to help out in some way if your still in need of it ;)

Need references and people to be NPCs mostly. If you feel you can build in the style depicted though, could definitely use help on that. Thanks.

Been busy so not much done really. Finished up two areas and will post pics tomorrow of more progress, but other than that, not much. Story is mostly complete. Gonna post it below:

So here's the story so far to those who may want to know it:

World 1 - Kingdom of Blocklandia:

You wake up one morning in your house in the Kingdom of Blocklandia, and are greeted by a messenger, Infomaniac, from King Badspot. He tells you that you are being called upon by Badspot for an important task. Unfortunately, the bridge on the path to the kingdom has collapsed, and you must go the long way through the caves.

You go through the caves and eventually find the city where Badspot is. There are vendors and people to talk to in the city. Talking to Badspot, he tells you he has received word that a group called TBM has stolen the Gold Brick, an artifact of legend, and is planning to use it for malicious purposes. He has been told TBM has a fort in Pirate World, and wants you to go investigate it and TBM's plan. Unfortunately, the only way to Pirate World is through teleportation, and the only Wizard nearby is Plornt.

You go through some areas, fight some enemies and do puzzles until you eventually get to Plornt's house, and he teleports you to Pirate World.

World 2 - Pirate World:

In Pirate World, you appear at a Port, Port 28000. There are vendors and npcs. The main NPC, Captain Ephialtes, is on the dock. Talking to him he tells you there is indeed a TBM fort, but it is near impossible to get into. He says he will help you get in, as long as you can help him with something. He needs you to kill an opposing Pirate, Kalphiter, and take some item of his. Kalphiter is at the end of Scuttler's Cove, and you go through some areas to fight him. Beating him and taking the item, you have to go through some temple and caves before you finally return to the Port. Ephi blows a hole in the TBM base, and you enter. There you learn that TBM has a secret project, The Orange Block, that will produce an immense amount of energy. Once this info is collected, you are warped out of Pirate World, where you are met by Plornt and Badspot.

You relay this info to Badspot, and he tells you that the location of the main TBM base has been found in the  Forgotten Lands. He wants you to go there and stop The Orange Block project. Plornt opens another portal for you, and you find yourself in the Forgotten Lands.

World 3 - The Forgotten Lands:

Coming out the portal, you find yourself in a dead environment. Very rocky and arid. You go through some areas until you eventually find the main TBM base. Sneaking into the base, you go through several locations until you find your way into the control room where The Orange Block project is housed. There you are met by the Corrupter Blockhead, a Blockhead corrupted by TOB energy. You fight and defeat him. Going to the master computer, you learn that TBM is not really a group, but an intelligent AI that simply wants to provide energy for Blocklandia. The AI tells you that TBM never had the Gold Brick, and that Badspot had been deceived by another, who actually has the Gold Brick. Before the AI can tell you the deceiver's name, everything shuts down due to damages sustained. Another portal has been set up, and again you come out in Blocklandia.

World 4 - Kingdom of Blocklandia:

This time however, you are met with chaos. The real enemy has already begun using the Gold Brick's power on the people of Blocklandia. Badspot, in his last dying breath, tells you you need to leave and reach the home of the Duke Rotondo, who will help you find and defeat the enemy. You go through some areas, eventually finding Rotondo, who has met up with Plornt. Rotondo tells you to find the identity of the enemy, you must find the BLID Look-Up Tool. This tool however, has been buried in the tomb of a great Blocklander, Mocheeze. Raiding the tomb, the Ghost of Mocheeze is awoken, and you fight him for the tool. Defeating him, you leave the tomb with the tool, and return to Rotondo and Plornt. There the three of you learn that the real enemy is the Lord of the Shadows, Kompressor. He was the one who had deceived Badspot. Kompressor resides in the Under World, that can only be reached by going through the Dark Forest. Again, Plornt sets up a portal for you, and you are warped to the Dark Forest.

World 5 - The Dark Forest:

The Dark Forest is the smallest of the worlds. The few areas in it consist of little light and many trees, with no life. The only thing semi-alive in the forest is the Renderman, who will stalk you throughout it. Getting scared multiple times through the forest, you eventually confront Renderman, and fight. Killing him, you continue to the center of the forest, where the entrance to the Under World is. At the center, you go through a cave, until you eventually fall and end up in the Under World.

World 6 - The Under World:

The Under World is Blocklandia's version of Hell. In it, there are the evil Blocklanders who roam around and seek a way out to Blocklandia. Going through some lava caves and such, you eventually get to a massive lava lake, with Kompressor's tower in the center. Climbing the various levels of the tower, you find Kompressor at the top. There you learn his plan was to use the Gold Brick's power to flatten the world, and create an infinite slate. You cannot let him do this. Fighting and killing Kompressor, you take the Gold Brick, and throw it into the lava. A portal is nearby, and you go through, finding yourself again in Blocklandia. You have saved it and are a hero.

That's the story I have. Thoughts? I'm not too keen on changing a lot of it, but if you guys have any suggestions as to ways to improve it, I'll definitely hear them out. Thanks.

great job on the story, could be a bit longer tho.

great job on the story, could be a bit longer tho.

Yea past World 2 it's pretty bare bones. Hope to expand it some with more refs and such.

Hey, I was a sucker for stuff like this. In fact a long time ago I wrote a story very closely to this, with heroes and villains similar to yours. I'm going to see if I can find that story, maybe I can add some characters to it.

Yea past World 2 it's pretty bare bones. Hope to expand it some with more refs and such.
How about another faction that isnt nor TBM or Badspot's faction
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Hey, I was a sucker for stuff like this. In fact a long time ago I wrote a story very closely to this, with heroes and villains similar to yours. I'm going to see if I can find that story, maybe I can add some characters to it.
Would love to read it if you still have it!

How about another faction that isnt nor TBM or Badspot's faction

Idk, who else could be added? ;o

Do not have much to show, really just been adding / finishing areas already shown, so nothing spectacular. Been very busy.

However, have an excellent gamemode created by Superstarxalien169, that streamlines the process of playing the first world. Much easier than downloading all files individually and making sure you have anything. Huge thanks to him!

Campaign Gamemode

Maybe the story would progress slower if it was a lot more grittier, as in a lot more accidents. I think the protagonist should be on an end of a losing battle, barely getting by with help of close characters. It kind of seems like it's really easy and everyone just has powers to help you.

For instance, Ephialtes ship could be RTB, but it gets utterly destroyed and he goes down with it. etc. If you get what I mean