Author Topic: Night Discussion Topic  (Read 39940 times)

i knew this was coming eventually cause it was basically 'the stuffpost thread' but i dont really see the harm in the topic. it corrals all the GoofPosting into that one topic for the most part.

Whoa a thread got drama'd

Whoa a thread got drama'd

Read the OP more closely, and you'll find it's actually several persons posting in Night Discussion being drama'd, not the thread itself.

this is like trying to drama the furry megathread or the brony megathread (when it was relevant) imo

they're just a group of people goofin' and gaffin', keeping it in their own thread, and not letting the memes spill out into the other threads. though I'm not a regular there and can agree that the people there should really tone down the erp and other weird stuff to make it more open for casual discussion, the thread itself isn't inherently harmful and people can peacefully ignore it if they dislike the content (instead of, you know, barging in and causing a fuss in the topic itself)

we have garbage cans not because we like garbage, but because we need to keep it in one place.

Nix rn

this is like trying to drama the furry megathread or the brony megathread (when it was relevant) imo

they're just a group of people goofin' and gaffin', keeping it in their own thread, and not letting the memes spill out into the other threads. though I'm not a regular there and can agree that the people there should really tone down the erp and other weird stuff to make it more open for casual discussion, the thread itself isn't inherently harmful and people can peacefully ignore it if they dislike the content (instead of, you know, barging in and causing a fuss in the topic itself)

we have garbage cans not because we like garbage, but because we need to keep it in one place.


Annoying stuffposting with your buddies is still annoying stuffposting

i used to have some respect for nix but i think he needs to chill and stop saying "are you blind" and look atleast a second before he posts. Its not worth trying to argue at this point.  

in addition to my other post

im not a control freak but why can't you guys just make a private discord/skype group for all of the stuff you guys were doing in the discussion topic

in addition to my other post

im not a control freak but why can't you guys just make a private discord/skype group for all of the stuff you guys were doing in the discussion topic
that's probably a better idea tbh
it shuts up the people here from complaining about it, and lets them do it in peace

im gonna respond to these individually

nix: i dont have any real personal issues with him, but hes annoying and cant process sarcasm in any definition of the world
daswiruch: ive been over this guy already, nihilist who probably takes the black pill daily and anti depression right after
foxscotch: probably gets half of his personality from tumblr blogs about thin privilege and tries applying that to people he dislikes on the forum
gr8dayseth: i dont have an issue with this guy but can you tone down the parrot plant thing? like it was funny at first but not its just loving akward
notorious big: stale humor and trying incredibly hard to fit in and be the "beacon of morality" or some stuff
masterlegodude: why is this dude apart of the drama? hes fine lol
dr. pepper: kinda weird but i dont have any really gripes with this dude either

This so much

i'm a delusional autistic furry who has brown town love to a loving doll i found at walmart while shoving paper carrotes up its ass.

Wait, WHAT?


I kept an eye on that topic for a long time kinda just waiting to see if there was anything I could drop in on, casual discussion seemed like a pretty cool idea, but every time I've popped my head in there recently there's either some kind of obnoxious borderline ERP going on and a bunch of people talking about how much they want to forget some kind of bird plant. They were even posting like, censored research of it at one point. Just a bunch of cringe-worthy nonsense.

I don't get it. I don't really mind, but I don't get it.

p. much this. Every time I tried to post in there like it was a chill topic for chill discussions, it got completely ignored in favor of a stuffpost / creepy ERP thing.

I like how eon removed me from steam over this like wtf, it's like we have one argument and all of the sudden you hate my guts.
Also it seems like to me that the majority of the people who are supporting this drama are butt-buddies with eon.
I've never seen so much bias in my life.

Also if you're going to put me in a drama, spell my name right like holy forget.