Author Topic: Night Discussion Topic  (Read 42062 times)

The Night Discussion Topic
note: this isn't about the night discussion topic as a whole but rather the users who stuff up the topic and others as well

The Night Discussion Topic once was a casual place you could post about topics that really didn't require their own topic, and it was fine that way. However it's been made a place where excessive stuffposts and unfunny memes thrive. It isn't a surprise that some of the notorious stuffposters on the forum have swarmed this topic and I'm here to discuss them.

Previous Dramas: N/A
so you can clog the hole and when it has to stuff, it just goes up your rooster and fills you with agony
toss a supermassive neutron star at the robloxian while shouting "AUTISM"
my favorite part is probably the big mac brother blake just looming over them all
have another one

Nix is one of the biggest contributors to the cesspool that is the Night Discussion Topic and constantly stuffposts not just in the discussion topic, but all over the forums. He tries way too hard to be funny and ends up coming off as obnoxious. Me and some friends have planned on making a drama about this guy for a while because of the way he acted when he even joined. I'd recommend reading through his posts for more evidence as nearly all of his posts are what I've stated above.

just use your richard

Nix's handicapped cousin and buttbuddy, he basically does the same stuff (excessively stuffposts, tries to be funny, etc) and most of the things I would have talked about here are in Momentum's drama on in which was linked above. Unlike Nix though he also spergs out and acts like a richard when he gets called out (also covered in Momentum's drama).

hey guys, I have an idea. let's all just constantly act like we're 12, and make the kinds of jokes 12 year olds think are funny. that will definitely make people like us right. surely, this will earn us the approval of our peers, which we want but don't have the social skills to know how to get
yeah I'll pay you back alright ;)
would not be surprising, considering his inclination to have "love" in his car in kindergarten parking lots
I have literally 47 times as many posts as you so eat my ass

When not trying to start pointless arguments with people she dislikes on the forums over trivial stuff, Foxscotch spends her time being a furfriend in the night discussion thread. If someone uses :3/;3 un-ironically it's a given they're most likely handicapped, and she is just that. With over a whopping 19 posts per day and her alt (banned) holding the most posts on the forums at 60770 and still having 25 posts per day even though it's been banned for a while, she clearly stuffposts way too much.

Previous Dramas: N/A

Gr8dayseth is the creator of the Night Discussion Topic and acts much like the people who post there. Despite stating in the topic rules (which aren't enforced) that people should cool on stuffposting, rping, etc, he turns a blind eye and actively takes part in all of it. Now, pretty much all of the quotes above would be fine by themselves if he did it once in a while, they aren't that funny but they aren't bad. However nearly his e n t i r e recent posts are all unfunny jokes and constant repetition of parrot grass, it's become obnoxious and it needs to stop.

Dishonorable Mentions
note: aka people who did some stupid stuff but don't really deserve a full paragraph
Bedpost/Notorious B.I.G
Acted like a complete richard and blew the situation out of proportion with statements like "the night discussion topic should be locked forever!!!" because gr8 didn't like his unfunny real brother hours topic. I've already made a drama on this guy so I don't need to bother, really.

Isn't really doing much but still takes part in some of the stuff that is ruining the topic with Nix, Gr8, Fox, etc.

dr. pepper
Like Legodude but takes part in the cesspool way more, needs to chill.


About time someone made a topic about this

About time someone made a topic about this
had to be done, stuff was spiraling out of control for a while

okay how in the universal forget are any of those (except for bedpost) considered problem users

okay how in the universal forget are any of those (except for bedpost) considered problem users
do you actually read your own posts dude
literally everybody hates your guts except your clique

Why did you include gr8dayseth he was trying to stop the drama.

seriously though, literally all of those (specifically gr8dayseth) are normal users, and you probably just have a grudge on them

seriously though, literally all of those (specifically gr8dayseth) are normal users, and you probably just have a grudge on them
you, das, and night fox are definitely not normal users, you all have 1 thing in common, unfunny stuffposting and extremely argumentative and everybody sees it this way, gr8 isn't as bad but he still has been fueling this stuff

your link to the night discussion topic is actually a link to the bedpost drama

Why did you include gr8dayseth he was trying to stop the drama.

Fueling stuff

im gonna respond to these individually

nix: i dont have any real personal issues with him, but hes annoying and cant process sarcasm in any definition of the world
daswiruch: ive been over this guy already, nihilist who probably takes the black pill daily and anti depression right after
foxscotch: probably gets half of his personality from tumblr blogs about thin privilege and tries applying that to people he dislikes on the forum
gr8dayseth: i dont have an issue with this guy but can you tone down the parrot plant thing? like it was funny at first but not its just loving akward
notorious big: stale humor and trying incredibly hard to fit in and be the "beacon of morality" or some stuff
masterlegodude: why is this dude apart of the drama? hes fine lol
dr. pepper: kinda weird but i dont have any really gripes with this dude either

im gonna respond to these individually

nix: i dont have any real personal issues with him, but hes annoying and cant process sarcasm in any definition of the world
daswiruch: ive been over this guy already, nihilist who probably takes the black pill daily and anti depression right after
foxscotch: probably gets half of his personality from tumblr blogs about thin privilege and tries applying that to people he dislikes on the forum
gr8dayseth: i dont have an issue with this guy but can you tone down the parrot plant thing? like it was funny at first but now its just loving akward
notorious big: stale humor and trying incredibly hard to fit in and be the "beacon of morality" or some stuff
masterlegodude: why is this dude apart of the drama? hes fine lol
dr. pepper: kinda weird but i dont have any really gripes with this dude either