Author Topic: "minorities" are ruining a tradition in my country because muh racism  (Read 4383 times)

So we have a tradition on my country on the 6th of december named "Sinterklaas" wich is named after a saint who gave away stuff or something, iduno. (also funfact: Santa comes from this). So what happens on that day is that "Sinterklaas" goes arround houses giving away present and chocolate and stuff on a white horse or whatever. But its impossible for the poor old man to do it alone so he has some "servants". Well you guessed it! The servants are black. It has nothing to do from where to originate tough. They are black because of the grime in the chimneys the climb trough to deliver the presents.

Now these daft mondays arent happy because they think it has to do with slavery and my country is actually planning to loving change it. Even black grime smudges arent okay.

Also forget my grammar mistakes, its too early.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 11:56:02 AM by espio100 »

are you saying by black they're all african american, or they just have black smudges/charcoal-looking paint for their skin?

either way what a bunch of pussies

are you saying by black they're all african american, or they just have black smudges/charcoal-looking paint for their skin?
no they're white but the smudges make them black or something

no they're white but the smudges make them black or something
oh well that's even more bullstuff, i remember seeing parades on television having that kinda stuff a bunch of times during the holiday seasons

what a bunch of pussies

Thought I was on /pol/ for a second

forget I'm tired

its funny youre saying this espio because as someone from a country that celebrates that stuffs its literally 1000000000000000000000000000% white people that are complaining

im enjoying the ironic juxtaposition of somebody with a Riddler saluting pepe avatar calling people mondays while saying something isnt tribal

i mean, yeah, the whole thing's dumb and shouldn't happen. but this entire presentation is hilarious

soo.. they just want to change it to where the servants aren't covered in smudges? where is the problem in this?
"i'm old, white, and afraid of change!"

soo.. they just want to change it to where the servants aren't covered in smudges? where is the problem in this?
"i'm old, white, and afraid of change!"
that its a tradition and that it has nothing to with being black
you dont change traditions

that its a tradition and that it has nothing to with being black
you dont change traditions
why not? you're like 12. you don't really have any investment in traditions

you're like 12. you don't really have any investment in traditions
lol ok, foxscotch

that its a tradition and that it has nothing to with being black
you dont change traditions
lol ok, espio

if you honestly wanted to get your point across you wouldn't get as loving low to call them mondays

like espio you've got social issues and I see why now

Oh man espoo you're such a cool edgy person loving putting the word mondays in the title and complaining about social progress god it's almost like you're grasping for attention

also forget off with using "lol ok ____" really isn't funny when meme trash uses it

>Getting offended by the word monday

Holy stuff now im just being a hypocrite
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 09:20:53 AM by espio100 »