Author Topic: "minorities" are ruining a tradition in my country because muh racism  (Read 4381 times)

fun fact: you can have chimney grime on your face without wearing blackface

fun fact: you can have chimney grime on your face without wearing blackface
One of the towns near me, where I used to go to school, has a Victorian Week every year where the people and schools all dress up in Victorian costumes of varying social classes, and they celebrate the towns Victorian heritage (it's an old Victorian seaside resort town).

There's commonly men and boys with grimy faces dressed as chimneysweeps or steam train conductors.
There's no accusations of anything close to blackface.

someone with a national socialist salute avatar using the n word to tell me blackface isn't tribal and admitting shortly afterwards that he is, in fact, tribal?

haha yeah man that'll show those forgetin SJW's!

when i saw mondays in the title i thought of two things
A: keemstar got a blf account
B: it's espio
turns out they're both right

One of the towns near me, where I used to go to school, has a Victorian Week every year where the people and schools all dress up in Victorian costumes of varying social classes, and they celebrate the towns Victorian heritage (it's an old Victorian seaside resort town).

There's commonly men and boys with grimy faces dressed as chimneysweeps or steam train conductors.
There's no accusations of anything close to blackface.
I mean, there's rubbing graphite on your face to give a dirtied appearance, and then there's this:

This is the Sinterklaas costume Espio is talking about.

fun fact: you can have chimney grime on your face without wearing blackface
Sinterklass is going to get a OSHA compliance violation strike if his little Zwarte pal doesn't get free showers.

I mean, there's rubbing graphite on your face to give a dirtied appearance, and then there's this:

This is the Sinterklaas costume Espio is talking about.

those are coons, not mondays

Espio, you shouldn't let /pol/ decide your way of life. It's apparent you haven't developed your nasty attitude on your own. Repent for your actions, there is nothing wrong with being a normal person.

i smell a hot drama coming up

Espio, you shouldn't let /pol/ decide your way of life. It's apparent you haven't developed your nasty attitude on your own. Repent for your actions, there is nothing wrong with being a normal person.
I'm pretty sure that a solid 30-40% of /pol/ is satire and piss-taking. The other 60-70% is legitimate neo-national socialists. Letting that board influence your actual beliefs is a very bad idea.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 11:47:04 AM by SeventhSandwich »

are you saying by black they're all african american, or they just have black smudges/charcoal-looking paint for their skin?

either way what a bunch of pussies

theres different types of black, african american, nigerian, ugandan, somalian, ethiopian, black brittish..

this could go on for ages, but it depends where you live

Espio, you shouldn't let /pol/ decide your way of life. It's apparent you haven't developed your nasty attitude on your own. Repent for your actions, there is nothing wrong with being a normal person.
loving normies get of my board

Well yeah not all of these immegrants rape and whatsnot. I know I know. but it really pisses me off when these cunts dont want to adapt to the culture of our country but we have to adapt to theirs.
Like forget off mate. He isnt even black you twat. Theyre not his slaves for forgets sake, theyre like santa's little helpers, except not for santa.

I might have overreacted a little bit.
Espio are you an Incel?
Im virgin by choice

i always knew espio was guttertrash-tier but holy stuff lmao what must your parents think