Author Topic: Rogue One: A star wars story Post Discussion [SPOILERS]  (Read 7997 times)

frank luna's character, cassian, i was blown away by how they didn't do anything with his character. remember at the beginning when he kills that poor dude in cold blood? i was ready for a super morally questionable rebel dude who did bad stuff, and then for the rest of the movie he did nothing at all!
they shoulda had cassian kill jyn's father that wouldnt added a lil more to the film
yeah they should have made his last act shooting some of his men in the back of their heads and then icing out jyn erso when she is done with her end of the mission, just to show hes that same spy from the beginning of the movie and has made no character development even though he's become close with the same woman that he was assigned to kill her and her father

I don't really mind the lack of lightsabers. Then again, my favorite Star Wars is the X-wing games and the Wraith Squadron series, both of which have no lightsabers whatsoever.

Not gonna lie, I didnt even think about the lack of lightsabers

Rogue one had some good Easter eggs and funny parts with the tactic droid but overall meh.

If you watch episode 3 where the blue prints came from or how they got them were never a big deal and easy sweep right over. Rogue one seemed like a spinoff to me but then again I guess Disney has to milk all they can get out of it since they paid a pretty penny for it.

I'm late but I just saw it in Dolby Atmos. Was tight as forget.

Oh by the way I think that judging by all these new characters we never see again all of them either die or get captured.
Han Solo dies in Rogue One XDDDDDD

just saw this movie, sick as forget

holy forget everyone is dead

also bumpppp

Characters were stuff, love between Jyn, and Cassian was forced, can't remember any of the names besides those two, defected pilot didn't go insane like he was supposed to, action was alright, robot was good, final Vader scene was great, I feel asleep on my second viewing. It was ok.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 12:50:11 AM by kidplasma »

love between Jyn, and Cassian was forced
Wow it was so forced that absolutely nothing happened at all!

Notice how there's always a massive amount of hype for a Star Wars movie, then a week later nobody gives a forget

Notice how there's always a massive amount of hype for a Star Wars movie, then a week later nobody gives a forget
now that's just factually incorrect

Wow it was so forced that absolutely nothing happened at all!
yeah nothing did happen, they just both stayed as bland as baked lays

the cgi with tarken and leia was outstanding

i was surprised when i first saw tarken and more surprised when i found out peter cushing was dead