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Author Topic: B.F.B.B-2 [No Longer Interested]  (Read 323757 times)

i order all of my minions to attack the boss.

Why was specialized killing aced applied onto MrDoors, and not me?

Did you just completely ignore my actions? What the forget?
(Don't tell me about loving emps and hypnosis, if this is how it goes, then anyone will be able to stop any action from the boss anytime)

Firstly, your initial actions were overwritten by the morphine which triggered upon your health reaching 0, this is an automatic override because if i don't override, then you would just die and the fight would end here and now. (though given i could probably have it occur automatically after an attack)

Second, stuns or any variation thereof, such as EMPs or Hypnosis, do not last very long, and will not be capable of being used for stun-locks. Upon the end of such a debuff the target gains a temporarily, dispel immune buff. Which prevents them from being stunned in any given shape or form, this includes EMPs or Hypnosis, at the very least all it will do is prevent your allies from attacking just for that one cycle, this cycle the effects will be wearing off and they will gain their resistance buff to prevent stun-locks.

Thirdly, i can't expect to please everyone. But the game is still constantly in development, systems change here and there but there are some tweaks i can make to give the boss a more enjoyable experience, such as having effects like the morphine occur automatically after an attack, or allowing bosses to attack instead of death overriding them immediately, and instead killing them immediately after the attack.

Why was specialized killing aced applied onto MrDoors, and not me?

Bah, i made a mistake, i will fix.

Five kicks at Nicepoint.

Bah, i made a mistake, i will fix.
my attack also did crap damage
rest in piss
1 like = 1 attack

Summon Time.

I summon... Copy Kirby R(ebuilt)!
He is really just the boss version of copy kirby as a summon.


From this cycle onward the system of battle is going to change slightly. From here on boss actions will always play out regardless of whether the boss dies or becomes stunned in any given way on that current cycle. Stuns will no longer affect the turn they are applied, but instead affect the FOLLOWING turn they are applied. All stuns will also now only last one cycle to prevent too much of a player advantage.

Furthermore, any actions performed by a player that would inflict a stun upon a target will occur LAST in the turn order, to allow the bosses an opportunity to attack before a stun is inflicted, for consistency.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 02:46:31 PM by lord techno »

See the front page for details

well its about time
in the past, that barrage didn't work, even tho i commanded all tanks