Author Topic: Banned on VGRP for no reason  (Read 8391 times)

i truly hope this is not an 18 year old that is still in middle school
adding onto this i truly hope it's not an 18 year old that thinks middle school is better than high school

Solaria: Who's this guy?
limerick: limerick, whos this girl
Solaria: brb kms
limerick: guess what you got drama'd   again
Solaria: Solaria is a ~fictional character~
Solaria: Is my real name not listed?
Solaria: Huh, it isnt
Solaria: I'm a dude.
limerick: oh
Solaria: Also I dont give a flying stuff about being drama'd
Solaria: Wait stuff did they post my steam account again
limerick: now you really dont have an excuse for being uptight
limerick: yes
Solaria: forget.
limerick: yea prepare your ass for the storm
Solaria: Changed my URL, dont give it out.
limerick: yea of course
limerick: not meant to be tooken sarcastic btw it kidna sounds like it came off that way
limerick: *taken
Solaria: Sorry if I come across as uptight or a richard,
Solaria: Most people who drama me are the kind of people who join your server,
Solaria: Demand to be treated like a king,
Solaria: And get pissed when you dont
richards: They catch your bad moment, and post it online
limerick: youve had a lot of bad moments huh
richards: I've been on blockland a long time
limerick: masterlegodude has had one account for about the past 12 years and i dont think hes thrown a single fit to your demeanor
richards: Whos masterlegodude
limerick: user whos been playing since he was around 12, hes like 22 now
richards: Impressive
richards: I forget when I joined
richards: But definately not that long
limerick: i think your avoiding my point though; he hasnt gotten mad to your level of demeanor at all and hes been playing for about double the time you have
richards: I mean, okay..?
richards: I don't know them
richards: I don't think so
richards: And I'm not sure if it matters
limerick: its not about knowing them it about you trying to make a point that you've been playing bl for a long time and thats the reason you thrown so many fits. its not ture
limerick: *true
richards: No no, I mean,
richards: Bah I forget my point
richards: masterlegodude is probably a good person tehn
richards: Being a host of over 4711+ hours, dealing with my own irl drama issues, a lot of stuff not working out,
richards: If Masterlegodude did the same AND kept his cool?
richards: He diserves a medal, man.
limerick: well yea actually master has gone through some stuff
richards: Then yea, I'm proud of him, but I'm just not that perfect of a guy.
limerick: why do you have to take it out by sperging out on bl then
limerick: i really think you should just take a break for a while or move out of your house or something b/c most of the blockland community sees you as nothing more than a sperging autist
richards: I don't give a damn,
richards: And I can't move out, still 17.
richards: A few months from 18 though.
limerick: if you dont give a damn why do you still play the game
richards: Because the Merp was for a friend, Gin.
richards: He didn't enjoy hosting it anymore
richards: But he still wanted to play
richards: So he took my offer I gave him a while back
richards: Except he was off so much I was expected to build up and manage the server myself.
richards: So I did. He didn't mind.
richards: Also I really hate the word 'sperg'
richards: Sounds weird and gross.
limerick: well yea thats what it means
richards: I prefer not to hear made-up weird ass slang
richards: Same thing with 'edgy'
limerick: is it because thats what people call you
richards: I thought it was dumb before people called me it, then they started calling me it.
limerick: people call you it for a reason u know
richards: They can stick it to themselves then.
richards: Being a player on a server for free is a damn privlege on it's own. At some point the rules to my VGRP ended with something along those lines
limerick: nobody is on your server though
richards: Alright, also goddamnit
richards: You gave out the URL didnt you
limerick: god darnit
limerick: no
richards: Who the hell found me then?
limerick: people literally find it by going "solaria" on steam search
limerick: you can change your name but it'll still show "this user has played as: blank blank blank"
richards has changed their name to Past.
Past has changed their name to Name.
Name has changed their name to Recording.
Recording has changed their name to Is.
Is has changed their name to Not.
Not: Is this even legal?
Not: To chase people down like this?
limerick: yes because their not finding any personal info
limerick: ?
Not: Shouldn't be, it's like... cyberbullying? Idk. Cyberbullying sounds stupid
limerick: no because they are bullying you? and even then they cant get like a jail sentence for that
Not: Hahaha, the entire drama board is a cyberbullying breeding ground
Not: if we're gonna go about that way
Not: If it is then Badspot should have been arrested for supporting it, but I don't think it makes much sense like that
Not: You follow?
limerick: yea im following
Not has changed their name to Alexander.
Alexander: Hopefully I'm far enough removed from my past name
limerick: yea maybe my dude
Alexander: So who are you again?
limerick: limerick, ive been playing for about 3 or 4 years now
limerick: i went by casualjohney on my old account
Alexander: Well then, you already know this place is a stuffhole
limerick: yea im a big fan of scat so its fine
Alexander: Funny.
limerick: whats the deal with airline food
Alexander: >stock laughter
limerick: whats the deal with solaria
Alexander: FOR forgetS SAKE
Alexander: IT WAS INSERT
limerick: why would he do that
Alexander: Absolute pinhead who's caused drama and pain amongst my friend group
Alexander: Lo and behold he's the richardbag who shared my profile.
limerick: yea what a pinhead
limerick: what a richardface bastard
Alexander: Why have I been calling people pinheads a lot
Alexander: It's not even that fun of an insult.
limerick: i dunno maybe they resemble the stuff you stink up every morning
Alexander: Blegh, and here you are. Thanks for helping.
limerick: no problem my man :sunglasses:

why is this guy so averted from posting on the forums you'd think he'd come in here and defend himself or something

You'd better pack up your suitcase
better yet I'll pack something in it

he'll never see it coming

Quote from: Foopster
Quote from: Mattomanx77 on September 09, 2015, 06:06:57 PM
Yes, I am a biloveual furry that likes Pokemon.
Hold the loving phone

This was like two years ago or something? Lmfaooooo.

OT: /support this guy is a loving idiot lmao

Hes like if Serings was a more unstable furry.

For those who dont know I confronted serings about being a richard a while ago and he responded with "You know what? I am a richard, cause every loving day at school I get told to go die, I get called a friend."


isn't that guy neo the umbreon?
I talk to him and he said that solaria wants to forget him all the time or something
This is completely false, I am Rune, as for the person he wanted to forget all the time was me? No that was quite frankly the other way around, I WANTED to forget him. this was in September 2015.

golly gee
lmao he's the only member of the "lovers of birbs" group


golly gee
lmao he's the only member of the "lovers of birbs" group
I Was actually the one who created the group, believe it or not. i left it though because the group was next to near pointless in my eyes.