Author Topic: I Apologize To Everybody  (Read 11823 times)

don't say, do
Pretty much, Ki.

You seem to be truly remorseful (barring the case in which you're a total psychopath), so whatever I guess, no hard feelings from me I suppose.

But look here: The Blockland Forums are not a place to apologize to.

People will forget how sorry you were (or tried to be) even if you are forgiven today. Even if people were skeptical of you. Even if you get banned again. Reminding people of a past that most have forgotten is going to nearly always have mixed results, and your situation is no exception.

As sincere as you are, your appeal doesn't really mean much of anything in the grand scheme of things. This is especially true considering Badspot is going to use his own judgment to determine how much of a threat you actually are to the community's integrity (not that it has much to begin with.)

Can we stop this

don't say, do

crap? If he just "did" all of a sudden he'd be flamed because he is Ki. Maybe he needs to leave a notice first before just suddenly appearing? It's not like you can read minds through the internet.

On base raiders he somehow got admin, and when I simply stand on his base and try and raid him he kicks me and wands my stuff. Gg, seems to have gotten worse.

Addition: I can see why / how Ki got admin.
I killed Ki, got his guns tetrakimbo, then killed Graffiti Cat, who proceeded to perma ban me.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 03:09:55 PM by Dragonoid.Slayer »

don't apologize, just change. nobody hates you so much that they won't totally forget you spammed base raiders or something if you act like a normal person in 12 months. if you keep apologizing for it and reminding them, well of course they'll remember.

On base raiders he somehow got admin, and when I simply stand on his base and try and raid him he kicks me and wands my stuff. Gg, seems to have gotten worse.

Addition: I can see why / how Ki got admin.
I killed Ki, got his guns tetrakimbo, then killed Graffiti Cat, who proceeded to perma ban me.

First of all, I'm not the one who banned you. You were asked several times to stop. You completely disregarded the host and acted out against the administration. You were offered to join us and you were even given money. It's your fault. I still respect you though, so don't be angered at me.

You were purposefully acting like an ass. You intentionally and maliciously spam built onto our base and then called us bad admins when we asked you to stop and tried to negate you. I had a tetra from another player, as the host had asked players to stop using it. You were force-killed as a result of trying to use one with intent.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 03:47:20 PM by ReturnOfKi »

i mean usually all apologies do is cause more hate to come your way but if your serious than welcome back and i wish the best of luck to you.
wait who
I cannot say anything these two have not
welcome back

First of all, I'm not the one who banned you. You were asked several times to stop. You completely disregarded the host and acted out against the administration. You were offered to join us and you were even given money. It's your fault. I still respect you though, so don't be angered at me.

You were purposefully acting like an ass. You intentionally and maliciously spam built onto our base and then called us bad admins when we asked you to stop and tried to negate you. I had a tetra from another player, as the host had asked players to stop using it. You were force-killed as a result of trying to use one with intent.
Denying your gang invitation =/= breaking rules. I got on the top of your base, so I could C4 your stuff, in which case you replied with wanding me and my bricks several times.

You are badmins if you abuse your admin power to your advantage: Destructo wanding me and my bricks in order to prevent me from RAIDING YOUR BASE which is literally what the gamemode, BASE RAIDERS, is for.

If using the tetra was against the rules, then tell me that as opposed to force killing me and getting me banned(I'm not saying that you banned me, but your contributions certainly didn't help).

Honestly, the server would be so much better if there was no administration at all, as opposed to a completely badmin and abusive administration. If you and the other admins cannot resist to abuse admin power in order to not lose, then don't take on the task of being admin.

I don't think that you want this to be moved to drama, and neither do I, so I suggest that you admit your defeat in that you and the other admins on there are badmins, and move on.

I won't mid it if it means calling out your bullstuff.

The minute you joined the server we asked you to join our gang. You said okay and took the money we gave you. You then left (with the money) and made your own gang. You then started to spam build platforms to the top of our base and then rapid build bullstuff spam on top of it (WHICH is against the rules). You were asked to stop and you were dwanded off. You then persisted to place C4 and spam build around it  (which is against the rules). You were asked to stop and dwanded off again. You then PERSISTED for another time and continued the same behavior. When I tired to tell you to just play the game and stop, you killed me and took the tetra. The host promptly banned you for your bullstuff.

You weren't trying to raid us for any gain you didn't already have. You were straight spamming to piss us off. Then you placed C4 and cried, "Badmins! I'm trying to raid". You knew what you were doing you and you are playing the pity game.

You were banned for a reason. Graffiti Cat wouldn't just ban you for trying to raid us. Go tell your caretaker you just stuff you pants, kid.  
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 04:51:22 PM by ReturnOfKi »

Graf Cat, Ki, and couple other admins openly gave themselves points and used up all power. Another game mode that should never have been publicly released.

Graf Cat, Ki, and couple other admins openly gave themselves points and used up all power. Another game mode that should never have been publicly released.

I won't mid it if it means calling out your bullstuff.

The minute you joined the server we asked you to join our gang. You said okay and took the money we gave you. You then left (with the money) and made your own gang. You then started to spam build platforms to the top of our base and then rapid build bullstuff spam on top of it (WHICH is against the rules). You were asked to stop and you were dwanded off. You then persisted to place C4 and spam build around it  (which is against the rules). You were asked to stop and dwanded off again. You then PERSISTED for another time and continued the same behavior. When I tired to tell you to just play the game and stop, you killed me and took the tetra. The host promptly banned you for your bullstuff.

You weren't trying to raid us for any gain you didn't already have. You were straight spamming to piss us off. Then you placed C4 and cried, "Badmins! I'm trying to raid". You knew what you were doing you and you are playing the pity game.
I legitimately didn't know you wanted me to join your gang, lol. There were only admins in it so I came to the conclusion that it was an admin only gang. I thought you just gave me money because you had a massive abundance, especially considering you didn't ask me to join the gang after you gave me the money.

And, 'Spam build platforms'. You seem to use the term 'spam' a lot here. Here's a total of what i built:
Two 4x plates in order to ensure that I can place C4 and destroy your printers
1 2x2x5 brick, surrounded by 4 1x1x5 bricks in order to ensure that I can place C4 and destroy your printers.

'Rapid build bullstuff spam'.. by this do you mean, repeatedly placing where I would like to place C4 after you wand my stuff?

As for being asked to stop: You know for a fact that I broke no rules with building on your base, because in the rules it SPECIFICALLY states that 'Any palce with no ceiling is no mans land' which I pointed out to you repeatedly.
It makes no sense for your gang to be able to use admin power purely to prevent their base from being raided, when the whole server is about BASE RAIDERS.
If I had a base, and you were trying to raid it, I don't have the power to say 'Don't raid me' then wand you off my base and perma ban you.
Placing C4 and building around C4 is not against the rules.

"I tired to tell you to just play the game and stop". Oh, you mean literally play a game called Base Raiders, in which you Raid Bases.
So, you wanted me to stop Raiding your base, and proceed to play Base Raiders. This makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

Yes, I killed you specifically to get your tetra as well, but also. Killing people isn't against the loving rules. The rules don't bend around you simply because you're an admin.. well, I guess they do because you abuse your admin

"You weren't trying to raid us for any gain you didn't already have. You were straight spamming to piss us off. Then you placed C4 and cried, "Badmins! I'm trying to raid". You knew what you were doing you and you are playing the pity game."

So, I was placing C4 on your base, and spending 5 rounds to NOT raid you? Mmmmm, very logical. I was BUILDING ON YOUR BASE( not spamming ) in order to place C4 to destroy your printers, to get the money and power from them, which is what this entire gamemode is for. Yes, I knew what I was doing, but it seems that you don't: I was loving raiding your base.

ALTHOUGH, I will admit that towards the end of this ordeal, I did have a bit of an 'outburst' as a result of you and Grafiti's admin abuse, because it's unfair as forget for you to abuse admin to prevent people from raiding you.

On base raiders he somehow got admin, and when I simply stand on his base and try and raid him he kicks me and wands my stuff. Gg, seems to have gotten worse.

Addition: I can see why / how Ki got admin.
I killed Ki, got his guns tetrakimbo, then killed Graffiti Cat, who proceeded to perma ban me.


Graf Cat, Ki, and couple other admins openly gave themselves points and used up all power. Another game mode that should never have been publicly released.

i agree. also completely disregard the fact that i didnt even use my money and that i gave 75% of it to the community

Gravity Cat wouldn't just ban you for trying to raid us. Go tell your caretaker you just stuff you pants, kid. 
you mean graffiti cat?

For someone that didn't use their money and donated most of it you guys sure did build up a pretty big 'Government Base,' had no problem buying tetras to kill people who attacked, and max out on printers.