Author Topic: LegoPepper - Unreasonable Admin, Making up false reasons to ban me for  (Read 50453 times)

Viva la revolucion *Throws knife into the kings heart*

*You have been banned for 10080 minutes.

Reason: You did not publish a 200 page manifest on why you killed the king, you did not ask for the kings permission before you threw a knife into his heart, also his dying words were "I Submit" so you were not able to kill him*
Simple: "Abdicate or die"

You have to give someone time to submit/surrender if you are trying to revolt. They don't comply? Kill them. You can't just say "forget this corrupt system!!!!!!!!" and kill the person who started it without a valid reason.

I'm trying to make my own RP while I like legopepper's rp mine is going to have more action in it.

The one problem I'm seeing from this thread is metagaming and not roleplaying.

Ok so you can ask for someone to submit, in which case they would either fight you back or actually submit and you then kill them or tie them up for a long amount of time. Same result either way it's done. Really just seems like you're trying to force a style of rp which doesn't really make any logical sense.

Ok so you can ask for someone to submit, in which case they would either fight you back or actually submit and you then kill them or tie them up for a long amount of time. Same result either way it's done. Really just seems like you're trying to force a style of rp which doesn't really make any logical sense.
The intent is so that King Wellwritten II doesn't die to BlockheadThinksThCIAADeathmat ch

in the real mideval times criminals didn't ask for consent

your rp is very innacurate

I'm sure they did but criminals had no rights back then.

We're just trying to keep it balanced so it doesn't turn into a "kill all" roleplay. We don't need to be precise on everything.

Editing it in after it was denied doesn't help. Also keep in mind 1-3 of those bans were invalid, so that's still not 10. Also that wasn't in the 2 month period, that not I, but you, that's right - your admin team, focused on as stated in the ban.
As I have claimed before you didn't neccesarily need ten bans to get permabanned. Seven times have been more than enough to get you off the server permanently. We have also excluded all the bans that were 'invalid', and once again your ban logs do not clear after two months.

Why bother checking a topic if its been denied fully? I contacted you because you were the only admin online at the time and I needed my logs, not to contact Lego. Also faking his voice is easily possible via accidents or telling people you have a cold.
I think you should've checked it regardless, so you wouldn't call us out on stating that you have ten bans while we have already claimed otherwise. Once again, you said that you didn't want to contact Lego, but earlier you stated that you wanted to talk to him, rather than a messenger, and I don't quite think that faking voice is simple as that, I mean you may try your hardest but I don't think you can mimic Morgan Freeman's voice so amazingly that people would believe that you are indeed him.

+1 Invalid ban. I was misled by a trusted Super Admin that a rule was not to be listened to/followed, so I didn't know until the ban.
We knew that Amir was shady, but we didn't know about him also metagaming until you have reported it. You were banned for metagaming for another player on Steam.

Having a vote on a biased forum filled with "fans" of your server and your own admin team who will definitely support the admin(s) doesn't really show anything. I would edit in a vote but you cant edit in drama so RIP.
Once again, if you knew that the poll would end as such what was the point of adding it in the first place?

For the rest of you guys, you gotta' understand that we can't possibly come up with rules to please everyone, that's just not really possible. Players are usually most sensitive about the one related to RDM, it's quite hard to balance out because people want to kill other people, but they themselves don't want to die. The way the rule currently works is that if you have an actual valid reason to kill someone (such as there were conflict between you two, you were threatened by him or tortured and so on) then you may attack and kill him, however since no one really wants to lose their character that they spent so much time developing, we decided to unallow people to kill others if they don't have a valid reason to do so.

Another thing people seem to dislike are the laws related to towns, aka where can you and where can you not go. Keep in mind that those laws have been made by the players, as their characters. Laws aren't rules you would get banned for breaking, you could attempt to sneak in anywhere you want, but keep in mind that you are putting your character at risk if you do so.

In conclusion, I don't really think I can convince you guys to change your opinion on the server, so all I can say is that if you do enjoy playing on our server, we are happy to have you around; if you do not then we are sorry and truly hope you will find something else you will find fun.

We're just trying to keep it balanced so it doesn't turn into a "kill all" roleplay. We don't need to be precise on everything.

What if I wanted to roleplay as a serial killer though?

What if I wanted to roleplay as a serial killer though?
You can't be an anti society kill all character, simple.

We're just trying to keep it balanced so it doesn't turn into a "kill all" roleplay. We don't need to be precise on everything.
The way you're doing it kills the server's fun and experience

The way you're doing it kills the server's fun and experience
Well no imagine if you were a shop keeper in this rp and someone murdered you because your prices were a little bit too high, it's not fun for the person on the receiving end, it's as simple as that

Well no imagine if you were a shop keeper in this rp and someone murdered you because your prices were a little bit too high, it's not fun for the person on the receiving end, it's as simple as that
Yes but being forced to type "submit" or whatever every time you encounter someone will be a bit tedious don't you think?

Yes but being forced to type "submit" or whatever every time you encounter someone will be a bit tedious don't you think?
You don't have to, I fired an arrow at someone and he killed me, and I accepted it. But if someone just attacks you that's RDM.