Author Topic: [NEWS] Violent UC Berkeley riots force cancellation of Milo Yiannopoulos event  (Read 39182 times)

Ok.  Are these videos making things up?  Because usually it's just showing the exact source with context and reacting.  The Sally Boynton Brown's speech is available in it's entirety, the more you see of it the worse it gets.  It's not taken out of context.  I went to a university you know, I saw this stuff forming.  I actually got one of my professors to break down into a screaming fit because I refused to accept his moral relativism around female genital mutilation and loving communism.  If I was 10 years younger I'd have cell phone video of it.
The point I'm trying to make here isn't that these videos are fake. It's that you are only remembering the stories that confirm your own biases. I am a liberal but I do not violently protest, I don't punch national socialists, I don't think communism is a realistic economic system, I don't believe in banning guns, I don't make ironically tribal jokes against white people, and I don't really talk or care that much about identity politics.

Now ask yourself: In your mind, do I actually balance out an 'extreme liberal' by having moderate views on these issues? Or is the score still the same?

No doubt, but you've lost control of university administration, the mainstream news media, Hollywood, and the democratic party.
As far as I know, the story about segregated housing applied only to Cal State, which then proceeded to backtrack entirely after the enormous backlash. This is more confirmation bias; the problem here extends to an extremely small minority of schools.

Sounds like a lot less than half the country.  The only reason it's even that high is because: 1. The newspeak name "affirmative action" doesn't even describe what it is.  If you called it "race testing" or "segregated admissions", support would plummet.  2. There's an implicit threat that if you don't agree you're a tribal.  3. White guilt perpetuated by the media.
You aren't even making a valid complaint against the methodology. Gallup is probably one of the most reputable pollsters for public opinion in the country, and there's no way they would administer a poll asking about affirmative action without giving the respondents the necessary context to actually understand the question. They have a vested interest in not publishing bullstuff data, so I'm just guessing that there are indeed people across the political spectrum that like the idea of affirmative action. I'm not saying it's a good thing; just that you're casting it as this 'liberal problem' when the evidence shows plenty of other people buy into it too.

This right here is the problem.  This isn't some far flung extremist view, it's the mainstream, it's you.  Everyone on the left thinks this and it's the most tribal bullstuff I've ever heard.  The homeless guy getting the stuff kicked out of him at a BLM protest is not "in power" just because his skin is white.  White people do not get billions of free dollars just because they have vaguely the same skin color as Donald Annoying Orange. You can't just group people together by skin color and say they're all the same without being a tribal.  It's bullstuff that you get to say this and go home feeling like the good guy.  At least the trolls on /pol/ know they're being tribal.
You didn't bring up a homeless guy getting the stuff kicked out of him; you brought up a political organizer who made an uncouth remark about her job fighting against white conservative Republicans. I agree in principle that she shouldn't have phrased it that way, but jumping from 'DNC head making stuffty comment' to 'homeless person getting beaten half to death' is exaggeration and sensationalism in the first degree.

I don't believe in the SJW-mantra that racism is only racism when it's against a group not in power, but I do believe that choosing to ignore black issues because of a handful of black rioters is an equally reasonable definition for racism.

the government suppressing knowledge so that they can stay in power vs the people protesting (even if violently) the government doing things they think are wrong
not really the same. u conservatives really like to claim you're being censored, huh
well let's fix that first

the government suppressing knowledge so that they can stay in power vs the people protesting (even if violently) other's opinions and right to speak are really the same. u libtards really like to claim that everything is alright and nothing is wrong with things huh

Now, first let's get one thing straight, this is a riot, not a protest. Secondly, they aren't rioting due to the government, it was a bunch of left-wing SJW's who dislike Milo, what he had to say, and his freedom of speech. Thirdly, in a situation like this, comparing accountabilities government to civilian doesn't affect anything, or carry relevance due to it's context. The fact that you're trying to justify a violent riot that affected one's right to speak and share his opinion to an audience, effectively progressing this culture of safe-spaces and demonizing others with hateful labels, despite the factual evidence proving all untrue, just because they dislike said individual, only shows how stupid you are.

I went to a university you know, I saw this stuff forming.  I actually got one of my professors to break down into a screaming fit because I refused to accept his moral relativism around female genital mutilation and loving communism.  If I was 10 years younger I'd have cell phone video of it.
The alt-left 'hyper-guilt' mentality is a far more recent formation often based around outrage culture and Internet soapboxes. They flourish at Universities because a lot of weird young liberals are grouped together into a place where they can easily communicate and foster ideas--the same with Tumblr. While they admittedly have a stranglehold on some areas (like Uni) I don't think it's really fair to say they have a grip on Hollywood and the Mainstream Media and everything with a Liberal slant because radically authoritarian guilt-based discrimination is an extreme minority compared to the vast majority of liberals. Saying that 'Liberals' burn down Universities because they don't get a designated safe-space is like saying that 'Conservatives' were responsible for the lynchings of African Americans. Sure, those people are liberal or conservative, but they are serious minorities that don't represent the core beliefs.

I'm not trying to say it isn't a problem--I've had nothing but horrible experiences with these sorts of people both online and in-person. But I know a lot of liberals and the vaaaaaaaaaast majority don't subscribe to this sort of belief.

You aren't even making a valid complaint against the methodology. Gallup is probably one of the most reputable pollsters for public opinion in the country, and there's no way they would administer a poll asking about affirmative action without giving the respondents the necessary context to actually understand the question. They have a vested interest in not publishing bullstuff data, so I'm just guessing that there are indeed people across the political spectrum that like the idea of affirmative action. I'm not saying it's a good thing; just that you're casting it as this 'liberal problem' when the evidence shows plenty of other people buy into it too.
Uh, it probably is more relevant to whether or not they had a perfect economically and racially equal polling group. Because it seems like the poor / minorities are probably more like to support AA than a middle-class white dude. I can't speak to whether or not Gallup is accurate, I'm just saying that the group selection was probably more important.

I don't believe in the SJW-mantra that racism is only racism when it's against a group not in power, but I do believe that choosing to ignore black issues because of a handful of black rioters is an equally reasonable definition for racism.
I feel like it would be better if people posed these as 'racial issues' or 'race equality' rather than 'black issues'. Because that gives a distinction like it isn't an issue for white people or other races--when all discrimination is bad. MLK wasn't a 'black power' advocate, he was a supporter of racial equality.

yes, sadly
the alt-right is almost as forgeted as the regressive left

the term "alt-right' itself has been corrupted by the regresssive left. it isn't national socialist. it isn't facist. it isn't anything but center-right.


  • Administrator
As far as I know, the story about segregated housing applied only to Cal State, which then proceeded to backtrack entirely after the enormous backlash. This is more confirmation bias; the problem here extends to an extremely small minority of schools.

So a termite drops out of the wall and you think the issue is just that one termite?  How many instances of campus insanity do you want?  Pick a number. 
Honestly just this latest incident should be enough - Milo says that trigger warnings are bullstuff, fat shaming works, and that cities and universities don't have the right to subvert federal immigration law, and 1000+ people come out to protest with 150 rioters?  It's widespread infantile madness.

If you want to talk about overreacting - what's the chant these days?  "No _____, No kool kids klub, no fascist USA".  How many kool kids klub members do you think there actually are?  They had a march a while ago and they had like 8 people.  Anyone in the kool kids klub is already a national pariah. 

I agree in principle that she shouldn't have phrased it that way

How would you have phrased it?  In your own words, tell us how the DNC chair should shut down white people without looking like a tribal. 

Highschool told me they were preparing me for college.

Yet college is preparing kids for safe space and trigger free zones.

How would you have phrased it?  In your own words, tell us how the DNC chair should shut down white people without looking like a tribal.  

You can't because it's tribal no matter what. These people will never allow themselves to understand this. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative is corrupted or disposed of.

Highschool told me they were preparing me for college.

Yet college is preparing kids for safe space and trigger free zones.
high school prepared you for Walmart and living with your mom in CT lmfao

high school prepared you for Walmart and living with your mom in CT lmfao

Friendo I have poor history with Tony but is all you do ad hominem?


  • Administrator
I don't think it's really fair to say they have a grip on Hollywood and the Mainstream Media

Celebrities plea for electoral college to undermine the republic

the vaaaaaaaaaast majority don't subscribe to this sort of belief.
Then what were these thousands of people in the streets protesting?

Then what were these thousands of people in the streets protesting?
they dont know, they were paid

Friendo I have poor history with Tony but is all you do ad hominem?
yeah lol all 2 times I've done it in the past however long

Friendo I have poor history with Tony but is all you do ad hominem?

Like it's not even fun to rag on Tony at this point. He has such low self esteem that he doesn't even fight back. The only way to garner a reaction out of him is if you say that No Mans Sky is a stuffty game.