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Author Topic: Post 3D models here!  (Read 72508 times)

no really, what?

Read. He used, "stuffstorm imminent" It's a good program.

That what the kids are calling it these days? Awesome!

It's real name is Milkshape3D.

I thought it was slang for "the dowload button or turbosquid" boy was I wrong!

I thought it was slang for "the dowload button or turbosquid" boy was I wrong!
You have to create drama, people revel in it.
Everyone try to flame and harass me for stealing a model! I couldn't care less, but it might draw Drama man's attention!

I'm just bored. That and the fact that half the time the only thing keeping this thread alive is the drama posts cause no one seems to want to post models any more..... It also seems every time I want to post a model it ends up being one of the last few on a page and only two-three people end up ever seeing it.

That what the kids are calling it these days? Awesome!

It's real name is Milkshape3D.
Ty for the real name.....

How would I fix these holes?

Make new faces between the vertices.

This isn't for BL (has over 200 poly gons XD) I just did this cause I was bored. The red circles show known errors.

oh my jesus 200 polies...

I meant over 2000 forgot a zero on the end sorry (it is around 2306 or so).

Wai! On a side note yay it was moved 8D.

A ppk I traced from a picture. If I knew how to extrude the model and then round it, and touch it up a bit, it could turn out to be a nice model.