Author Topic: R.I.P. Jon "Jontron" Jafari, 1990 - 2017  (Read 32913 times)

nothing was proven by those posts except the fact that you're clearly too sensitive to be posting on these forums

Yes because when I take the piss handicaps like you are so dense and socially inept that you actually take stuff seriously. Kimon you have autism. There is no other way of putting it. You can not be this much of a social handicap and still think that you are mentally sound.

hurrr umadbro

Kimon you just keep digging this hole deeper and deeper

actually i just ignore it because it's not a funny joke and if i told you to stop you'd probably just do it more often

hurrr umadbro You at least understand that I am joking around though, unlike Kimon.

Honestly, truthfully, Jontron does seem kind of out of the loop on this, But even still, he isn't anywhere near wrong.

The problem with Poliwhirl is that he seems to address anyone who doesn't conform to his POV as being 'Uninformed'.

This is the reason why the term 'Fake News' was coined, when everything's false, nothing's false.

Kimon you just keep digging this hole deeper and deeper
why don't you try committing to an actual point (god forbid steer this thread back onto its original point) and make me consider it instead of bombarding me with garbage posts?

a lot of people here probably agree with him 100%, but yeah, he's bein a lil weird

you make loads of posts or post fragments just like that one, and i'm sure you'd be able to find justification for all of them, but it's abrasive, and it shouldn't come as a surprise that some people like kimon find it unpleasant to be around

Yes I joke around alot. I'm not going to post serious political commentary on an account called "beachbum111111" on a cambodian lego forum.

why don't you try committing to an actual point (god forbid steer this thread back onto its original point) and make me consider it instead of bombarding me with garbage posts?

Kimon the day I give a stuff about your garbage opinions will be the same day I make a tumblr account, move to Sweden, and shove a 15 inch black rooster up my ass.

I love how JonTron and Destiny are arguing about identity politics in the current day and age and loving Destiny keeps bringing up the Jim Crow laws.

why don't you try committing to an actual point (god forbid steer this thread back onto its original point) and make me consider it instead of bombarding me with garbage posts?
No one disproves the ignorant for the ignorance, the ignorant are disproved so the confused, misinformed, or otherwise unadvised are given something to grasp for reference.
You can't beat a wall into submission, and you cant paint a door on a wall to walk through it, all you can do is reveal what's on the other side without going through.

I love how JonTron and Destiny are arguing about identity politics in the current day and age and loving Destiny keeps bringing up the Jim Crow laws.

Destiny is a complete handicap. You should watch his stream with Mister Metokur where he gets brown townly raped on stream.

Yes I joke around alot. I'm not going to post serious political commentary on an account called "beachbum111111" on a cambodian lego forum.

Kimon the day I give a stuff about your garbage opinions will be the same day I make a tumblr account, move to Sweden, and shove a 15 inch black rooster up my ass.
alright, why do you keep gettinf involved in political discussions if you don't take any of them seriously? its fun to joke around sometimes but usually debate is entertaining for reasons that don't require "jokes", especially not jokes that consist of nothing but 'ironic' flaming.

Destiny is a complete handicap. You should watch his stream with Mister Metokur where he gets brown townly raped on stream.
It's sad too, because clearly JonTron isn't a great debater and being put on the spot is hard when you aren't trained for it, but that doesn't mean his ideas are wrong and that he's a tribal.

alright, why do you keep gettinf involved in political discussions if you don't take any of them seriously? its fun to joke around sometimes but usually debate is entertaining for reasons that don't require "jokes", especially not jokes that consist of nothing but 'ironic' flaming.

Mostly because obnoxious pricks like you like to spout your garbage opinions like they are fact and attack those who disagree and quite frankly I like to knock people like you down a peg and remind you who you are.

As for other political topics it should be pretty obvious that I never really post more then two sentences in my political posts and most of the time they are full of extremist post ironic stufftalking with sometimes the tiniest shred of my real political views. I do this because it's both entertaining and it often gets the ball rolling on the issue.

It's sad too, because clearly JonTron isn't a great debater and being put on the spot is hard when you aren't trained for it, but that doesn't mean his ideas are wrong and that he's a tribal.
if this was just a result of jon being put on the spot, he would probably collect himself and restate his opinions on twitter, but he doesn't seem to be willing to do that (even for the statements that are just blatantly wrong like the rich black people quote)

the problem a lot of people, including me, have had with him recently is how unwilling he is to concede points and relies on saying stuff like "Everyone who disagrees with me is dismissing my arguments" (actual quotes being "You're living in a fantasy land." "It's only complicated because it's whites." "But white people are not allowed to address this because it's called tribal by people like you.")
Mostly because obnoxious pricks like you like to spout your garbage opinions like they are fact and attack those who disagree and quite frankly I like to knock people like you down a peg and remind you who you are.
that's more of mcjob's thing. you're just kind of being a richard.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 05:06:58 PM by Poliwhirl »

It's sad too, because clearly JonTron isn't a great debater and being put on the spot is hard when you aren't trained for it, but that doesn't mean his ideas are wrong and that he's a tribal.

Yeah. It's funny because during the debate Jim was tweeting about what he should have brought up to Destiny. When you're put on the spot like that your mind can just blank.

(even for the statements that are just blatantly wrong like the rich black people quote)

It's not, I've seen the graph Jontron was talking about (this isn't it though)

that's more of mcjob's thing. you're just kind of being a richard.

It's not anyone's job to be a cunt on the internet. Anyone can do it. Long story short at least pretend to be neutral and represent both sides when you make topics like this. I've seen you do the same stuff with Annoying Orange as well, attempting to perpetuate a circlejerk just makes you look like Tony.

Kimon is assblasted that jontron isn't a cuckhold like him

This might've sounded hard-hitting and bombastic in your head, but this quip just ended up embarrassing.

It's not, I've seen the graph Jontron was talking about (this isn't it though)

misinterpretation on jon's part. the graph was presented as evidence that police officers arrest rich black people for minor / otherwise negligible offenses more often than they do white people. (namely weed-related)