Author Topic: TreeAtmos (48848) & farpie (38162) AND their Server: Admins vs Racers  (Read 10849 times)

The name of the server doesn't justify the fact that it is a garbage server. Open your loving eyes.
No need to get aggressive? It being a garbage server doesn't make it admin abuse.

i dont see any admin abuse, it says what the server is in the loving title

"x vs players"

"x are abusive"

"The host can do whatever they want, it's their server"

"Might does not make right.  Just because we can't physically stop people from being jerks on their own computers doesn't make it ok.  We are attempting to stop them via social pressure, that is the point of this forum".

"The host can do whatever they want, it's their server"

"Might does not make right.  Just because we can't physically stop people from being jerks on their own computers doesn't make it ok.  We are attempting to stop them via social pressure, that is the point of this forum".

the difference between the context of that quote and this is that nobody was deceived about this server's purpose or the admin's intentions
when you join a server, you hopefully think 'oh good i hope the host isn't an starfish' and if he is you put up a drama. done

on this one it was pretty much explicitely stated 'the host has his way with you also speedkart.' you already know what's going on.
nobody needs a drama something so blatant

it's like if i went on a cityrpg and made a drama topic complaining it was bad

The amount of stupidity in this thread is astounding. Heres a quote for you from badspot that fits the situation perfectly:
This is not a valid way to dismiss complaints.  Ever.  See the following articles for more detail:

Imagine this scenario:
User 1: I went to McDonald's and they stuff in my sandwich!
User 2: Well if you don't like stuff burgers don't go to that mcdonald's, duh.  Grow up and go to a different store and stop complaining.

Does User 2's behavior reply seem reasonable to you?  If so, you should have your head examined. 

Just because the server name is "admins vs players" doesnt mean that they can get off free. If you go to a restaurant that says theyll fling stuff at you then you have a right to say its not right to get stuff flung at you. The name of the server means jack stuff, the point of making a drama is to get the host to change the server cause the way its hosted is loving stupid.

At this point explaining basic logic to people here is like trying to teach a loving ape chaos theory.

The amount of stupidity in this thread is astounding.
At this point explaining basic logic to people here is like trying to teach a loving ape chaos theory.

oh snap !

I still disagree and don't think that quote from badspot fits the situation at all.

I wouldn't go into a death race server and cry abuse when the other players cause me to die. I wouldn't go into a push broom dm and make a drama if someone pushed me off the edge.

If I went into a speed kart server and the admins were cheating and killing me, it would be abuse. This wasn't a speed kart server.

We're not being dismissive, we're disputing that this was abuse. I'd also like to add that the constant ad hominem doesn't actually contribute to your argument Unicode.

i don't see how this is in any way admin abuse, sorry

"admins vs players"

"admins are abusive!!!!!1!"

^^^ everyone here who thinks this server is abusive

"admins are abusive!!!!!1!"

^^^ everyone here who thinks this server is abusive
thank you for this insightful comment
you know what they say, you learn something new every day

"admins vs players"

"admins are abusive!!!!!1!"

^^^ everyone here who thinks this server is abusive

It may not be abusive but its a crummy type of server, When did I or anyone claim the admins were abusive? The point of dramas is to warn people NOT to go to a server cause the way its hosted sucks or to attempt to get people to change the way they host a server. How are you not getting this?

What a stuffty concept for a server.

It may not be abusive but its a crummy type of server, When did I or anyone claim the admins were abusive?
May want to re-read the OP