Author Topic: master matthew, please stop posting  (Read 23961 times)

this is my first time drama'ing a forum user. apologies if i come off combative/aggressive in this posts because i'm trying to make a bold message to matthew mostly here without being aggressive or passive-aggressive.;u=149802;sa=showPosts

previous dramas about almost the same exact issue since late 2016


a few high-lights for this week and last week too:

But Edups
Why no-bohdy get yur refurences

When you don't get a joke so bad you think it's an insult and get triggered.

Well first, France get converted into Cuckistan when they're the "Surrender" country.
Second, Look at Germany, Look at Sweden, Look at forgetin reality, The Muslim Immigrants are Demanding the world warp around to
their beliefs instead of adapting to their new environment and mixing their old culture with the new one.
Why? Because it's incompatible when you believe every culture besides you're own is infested with Infidels.

i'm not actually quite sure if master matthew is just trolling everyone at this point but i think most of the people here have seen master matthew's senseless political posting in various topics that mostly relate to politics, and so on even in the most normal topics. i'm not here to stuff on you or make a target to you because you're just being matthew, and it's just a "hip" thing to do or whatever, but i'm telling you to stop posting because you've been accustomed to just post non-stop politically and 3/4ths of them don't even make sense and it's just crazy, obnoxious posting that can probably only be made by a politically confused child. the rest is literally just attempted "roasts" and "jokes" that just actually make you look stupid by many people at least from here to a month ago. please stop doing that, for the love of god. it's not working at all.

with the posts like the "when you don't get a joke so bad you get triggered" for example, it's just not even an "i'm offended by political opinions and memes so i'm going to drama him". it's just him being actually obnoxious at even the most common sense out there. this is similar to something espio would do if he was a bit ""drunk"". tone it down because you have very bad context on that kind of stuff and a very witty approach on touching political subjects with memes like that.

master matthew has made a few gold gem posts and successful "roasts"-god i hate using that word in context like this- and most of it has just been regularly posting on his own topics or on normal topics, yes, i'd agree and that's what i wanna see more instead of just this. literally the other half of it is just nonsensical garbage that just makes people think he's actually a mentally challenged person because literally most of these posts is probably what a mentally challenged person would do. again, i'm not even sure if he's trolling at this point but it needs to stop. even other trolls are sick of the posts he's making.

like, please matthew, actually stop posting anything political related or anything joke related or at least tone it down and find a better time to do it. take a break at least if it requires that because you're not making much sense when it comes to you poking and meme'ing at controversial and touchy subjects, also going so far to being completely obnoxious about it.

also, haven't you said yourself that you should step out of politics and that even you haven't done research in your own drama?

i'd say to follow this but you've defied this to no end. it'd be really really appreciative if you do this right now and post less or don't post at all in politics, please. that's the only message i'm trying to say this to help yourself and not forget up again like you've literally done when you've gone into politics even intentionally. just stop, please. thank you.

support even though he won't

Master "i am the voice of the people" Matthew

yeah remove matthew I guess


as best as i can tell, he's not malicious. he's just kinda socially awkward. he does what he thinks is funny without properly assessing his audience. outside of specific situations, 4chan jokes are really just not funny. neither are political jokes. good sometimes, but not when it's your only joke and the only thing you talk about.

matthew needs to take some criticism and internalize it. he's improved a lot since the election, when he was combative and aggressively pushing politics whenever he could, so it's definitely in the cards. a lot of his problems are people misunderstanding him or him misunderstanding others. step back, read it through, and make less knee-jerk posts. really consider whether or not what you're about to say is relevant or witty.


yea he's not forcing politics into everything like he used to, he's just acting like a blundering idiot

yeah he's pretty loving annoying lol

pls stop potsing

matthew needs to take some criticism and internalize it. he's improved a lot since the election, when he was combative and aggressively pushing politics whenever he could, so it's definitely in the cards. a lot of his problems are people misunderstanding him or him misunderstanding others. step back, read it through, and make less knee-jerk posts. really consider whether or not what you're about to say is relevant or witty.

i'd concur with this if matthew didn't have enough time to review his posts and question himself "is this actually funny to someone else? does this at least make sense?"

he's dense as forget

Keep in mind that this guy decided to """break up""" with YouTube and promote unpopular cap like vidme.

I feel he isn't going to stop despite everybody telling him to shut the forget up

I feel he isn't going to stop despite everybody telling him to shut the forget up