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Author Topic: Turry Megathread v2 - Turry Things Here(?)  (Read 5729 times)

What's turry?
The turry fandom, not to be confused with their autistic cousins named furries, is a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic train and automobile characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes. Turry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at conventions.

The turry genre (sometimes referred to as a meta-genre) is based on the idea of fantasy train and automobile characters, rather than any one type of fiction. Any title in any form of media can be considered relative to the furry genre simply by having a fantasy animal character in it. Such characters are most often seen in cartoons, comics, science fiction, allegorical novels, Gothic horror movies, commercials and video games.

Outside the fandom, the most common term used to describe such characters is anthropomorphic (a word derived from the Greek; Anthropos Morphe, literally meaning Human Form). Those within the fandom prefer the term turry - hence the name turry fandom. Other terms for these types of characters are funny train, talking train, or kung pao chicken in Japan, although each of these has subtle differences in meaning SO DONT loving USE THEM INTERCHANGEABLY friendS

Art - Now with proper credit! (highlight to view)

The art posted here is an example for what can be posted and how. Just include credits for said art and so forth. I suppose all artists want their art credited, so if you're posting something, please include a source.

If you don't want your art piece shown in the OP or thread, please email me here or if you want something changed for your credit please let me know.


  • OrangeMan - making everything and having a 2 foot richard and 180 IQ
  • Chris-chan - Moral Support
  • Adolf Riddler - Moral Support
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 10:12:16 PM by OrangeMan² »

cursed post. cursed post. cursed post. cursed post. cursed post.

every day, we stray further from god's light

Nigerian Cunts support this thread

Nigerian Cunts support this thread
thanks man but i hate nigeria because it has too many black people

god is dead, and we killed him