Author Topic: Phanto's alt-left SJW agenda.  (Read 31072 times)

Dude I can hear your kids crying through your posts, go tend to them.
i'm going to loving call cps

so apparently saving yourself the unnecessary and hostile breath that'll possibly make you no better than whoever you're replying to and taking better advice from others who are clearly trying to HELP you is spineless? what the forget is wrong with you luneth? i used to respect you and think you were cool-headed about stuff like this, but every paragraph i'm reading now just lessens and lessens that. im pretty sure everyone else around me would agree too. you'd be better off in general discussion or anyone else because apparently you're losing it because some richardweed on drama has called you things.

just don't go to this thread at all if you're angry about something in there
How dare you tell me that you consider anything that's been posted as "helpful."

Wow, after all that bullstuff you finally crafted a statement with some sense. I applaud you and agree.
Half of this post is just petty insults that only middleschoolers would resort to. Brickichu why are you being such a huge ass? Do you need a minute alone
I like how you say his posts arent worth reading when i was exhausted from reading the first 3 sentences of this post. Im pretty sure i can speak for everyone else too. Give it up.
seek actual help
That isn't advice, that's loving insulting. If you're telling me I should just allow someone to run their mouth about me and spewing accusations, you're dead wrong. If you really had any respect for me you would've stopped replying when I said I was done, but here I am again. Would you like to insult me more so I have more to talk about or are we done here?
Bones is a stuffhead. Good luck getting him to not be a burger.
Then so be it.

i hope that motherforgeter shoves a stunstick up his ass

That isn't advice, that's loving insulting.

this only proves my point even more that your hostility blinds yourself. the image contained 0 insulting and i've even explained what the image was for in case you missed that. seek actual help is straightforward advice because you seem to refuse to get your head out of your ass that this is just another person who you are 100% of ignoring to.

grow up.

i hope that motherforgeter shoves a stunstick up his ass
sounds like researchhub premium material

dare you disagree with brikichu, you will be sentenced to death by a thousand paragraphs

As leader of the Free Zionist Israelites and Colored Peoples of the Nile, I fully endorse Brikichu in his genocide crusade against Phantos. May Pharaoh grant him a safe passage.

this only proves my point even more that your hostility blinds yourself. the image contained 0 insulting and i've even explained what the image was for in case you missed that. seek actual help is straightforward advice because you seem to refuse to get your head out of your ass that this is just another person who you are 100% capable of ignoring to.

grow up.
No, that isn't advice. Telling me to go get help does nothing but make me go pay someone to tell me something I already know. Ignoring him would be the spineless thing to do. I could let him keep talking stuff, but I don't willingly let people walk all over me, not ingame and not on the forums. Besides, I put him in his place and that's been the end of it and now you won't get off my back for defending myself against some prick.
dare you disagree with brikichu, you will be sentenced to death by a thousand paragraphs
Another insult, man these sure are helpful posts.
As leader of the Free Zionist Israelites and Colored Peoples of the Nile, I fully endorse Brikichu in his genocide crusade against Phantos. May Pharaoh grant him a safe passage.
I haven't even spoken to Phantos since like 8 pages ago, don't drag people back in for the sake of generating a bigger stuffstorm.

for defending myself against some prick.

translate this to "pounce him using paragraphs and do it to everyone else who thinks you're ridiculous" and you got it just fine

Great job snipping half of my quote so there's no context to it. My first post was not an angry post at all, I pointed out that terms like alt-left and alt-right are only used to defame people and discredit them. For some reason, giving a level-headed response to a tony thread is a sin. My only argument with him was that he accused me of trolling. Yes, it must be a wild idea to deny something like that. And I did take a break, in fact I went out and looked at some houses I might move into, and I came back later in the evening to the same piece of garbage replying to me with insults. I was done with this thread and I said my thoughts and how I felt, but I'm not going to ignore someone blatantly flaming me because they can't accept that I spoke honestly.See above, I'm not backing down from someone accusing me of trolling and insulting me. I'm not spineless.If Mr. Bones cuts the stuff and leaves me alone or comes up with a reason as to why he believed I was a troll and doesn't come off as an uptight piece of trash I will have no reason to get heated. I'm done posting here unless if someone wants me to address or explain something I previously posted.
I said you're trolling because you're defending a known friend. It's like this one Badspot quote, only starfishs defend turds.

Guys I found a portrait of Brickichu on Facebook: