Author Topic: The shifting politics of inequality and the class ceiling  (Read 7539 times)

I think a classless society (where money and the state still exist, but there are no multi-million dollar corporations or ultra-inflated medicine) is viable.
This isn't feasible either though. We as humans subjugate others to benefit ourselves. This takes many forms.

A true classless society, the perfect civilization, would be if we all became robots.

Looks good on paper, but in practice, not so much. History has taught us this.

having personal property seized doesn't sound good

having personal property seized doesn't sound good
this is kind of a misconception about communism
it's never been "your computer and your granola bars belong to the state," it's "industry and land belongs to society" (which can mean the state, but a lot of communists are anarchists)

it's never been "your computer and your granola bars belong to the state," it's "industry and land belongs to society" (which can mean the state, but a lot of communists are anarchists)

that sound even worse

that sound even worse
why does that sound worse
do you happen to own a factory

having things you invest money in be taken from your ownership and given to the public is literally theft. factories count in this category of investments

instead, just put in place regulations like labor laws and condition inspections at the factory's expense to ensure that workers are being treated fair

having things you invest money in be taken from your ownership and given to the public is literally theft. factories count in this category of investments
i'm not saying we should transfer factories into public ownership
i'm only disputing red spy's claim of "personal property being seized," because it's not about personal property at all.

i don't have to agree with communism to dispute stupid claims about it

instead, just put in place regulations like labor laws and condition inspections at the factory's expense to ensure that workers are being treated fair
yeah agreed
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 01:55:38 AM by TristanLuigi »

having things you invest money in be taken from your ownership and given to the public is literally theft. factories count in this category of investments

instead, just put in place regulations like labor laws and condition inspections at the factory's expense to ensure that workers are being treated fair
Having most of your work taken from you and treated as a commodity on the market without your prior consent is also theft.

Don't say people consent to being employed in such an environment either, because it's either that or starve, or attempt to found a co-op, which from what I've heard is very difficult to get any kind of funds for since nobody will loan to co-ops.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 02:03:23 AM by Johnimiester »

Don't say people consent to being employed either, because it's either that or starve.

imagine spending 10$ to discuss politics as karl marx on a lego game forum
imagine spending $10 to continue posting on a lego game forum that you got banned from at least twice
I do agree though, novelty accounts are stupid as hell

I do agree though, novelty accounts are stupid as hell

yeah they are

imagine spending $10 to continue posting on a lego game forum that you got banned from at least twice

yeah imagine that
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 02:11:00 AM by Electrk. »

I do agree though, novelty accounts are stupid as hell

u lookin for a fight????

Having most of your work taken from you and treated as a commodity on the market without your prior consent is also theft.

Don't say people consent to being employed in such an environment either, because it's either that or starve, or attempt to found a co-op, which from what I've heard is very difficult to get any kind of funds for since nobody will loan to co-ops.
just put in place regulations like labor laws and condition inspections at the factory's expense to ensure that workers are being treated fair