Author Topic: Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)  (Read 241294 times)

Block Party is an excellent name, keeping continuity with Blockland without being a clear "the same but X" name, like the game itself is.

if you dont name it block party im gonna call lego to sue u

block party so we can host servers called blocklands that are just block parties

also for all that is good in this world, let people make mods that change / add animations to the default player model
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 03:45:09 PM by kongo »

just let trogtor design everything from models to names

just let trogtor design everything from models to names

I'd be okay with this

if you use anything with the word "cube" in the name it kinda automatically associates it with garbage imo. so many horrible minecraft clones or other similr trash games are called "[]cube" or "cube[]"

if you use anything with the word "cube" in the name it kinda automatically associates it with garbage imo. so many horrible minecraft clones or other similr trash games are called "[]cube" or "cube[]"
this pretty much
just search "cube" in the steam store and you get a hot steaming pile of stuff

I'll decided on the name later on, but so far I like Block Party and ThCIANotALegoRipoffLand lol.

And instead of calling servers, "servers," call them block parties