
If the round has not ended, allow weapon-stealing?

Items must be picked up before the foe is killed or out.
You can steal off them when they are alive.
All of the above.

Author Topic: BLF Colosseum — [1.1B] Tournament 1, Round 1, Bracket B  (Read 10035 times)

What is this?
The Coliseum is a place for warriors to battle for glory, renown and wealth. Not all will be able to win. The game is played in a tournament-style battle type in a variety of different environments. You as the player battle other players to gain supremacy. What weapons can you have? The rules for the game are simple:

1.   Start with basic weapons.
2.   Kill players to get points.
3.   Use points to buy any weapon of choice.
   a.   Weapons must be brought in with you through the entrance gate (18’ wide & 12’ tall, 20' long).
   b.   You must be able to hold all the weapons that you want to bring in in order to bring them in.
4.   If you leave the battlefield or are thrown out by another player, you lose.
5.   Game is moderated by dice.
6.   You can only play the game when it is your turn to battle.
7.   Forfeiting is legal if you are overwhelmed with life stuff. I get it; life can be stuff.
8.   No meta-gaming or power-gaming.
   a.   If you try to auto-hit, you will lose the moveset. State your intentions and your aim.
   b.   If you edit your attack after your opponent has posted, your attack will fail.
9.   If you are thrown out of the ring with your weapon or your weapon is thrown out before the round ends, you can either sell it for ½ it's original price or buy it back for ½ it's original price.
10.   Prices for items are integers only.
   a.   If something is worth 1 point, it cannot be bought back for ½ price if lost.
   b.   If something is worth less than 1 point, the number of items you can buy are decided by the GM.
11.   Posts for your move must not be any later than 48 hours after the previous update.

How to join:

  • No application required; just say that you want to play.
  • You start with 20 points to spend.
  • Prices for items (You can specify what they are and what they do; creativity allowed) upon request.


Ayebee123 | 4 | Short-sword, Bow & quiver, Arrows (8)
Gytyyhgfffff | 0 | Folding chairs (18)
DestroyerOfBlocks | 0 | Folding chairs (20)
Agent Legit 22 | 9 | Spear, Tower shield

lord techno | 0 | Folding chair, Medium soda, Poison dagger
cromartini | 0 | Hard rubber warhammer
Kidalex90 | 0 | Bottle of piss, Small carrots (17)
Mad Hops Disease | 6 | Whip, Steel spikeball
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 04:12:46 AM by SWAT One »

Round 1, Bracket B
Team Battle: 2 v 2.
Rename the teams if you want.

Epik Gamers
  • lord techno
  • Mad Hops Disease
  • cromartini
  • Kidalex90
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 01:11:25 AM by SWAT One »

i have joined, a request is a Fire Sword, and a shield that is unbreakable, but deals a bit of damage to me when it is striked. Oi, we don't have too many points to start with, so I'm planning to spend points wisely, also, I have a question, do we lose weapons on death?

If your items are thrown out of the ring before the round ends, or you are thrown out of the ring with your weapons, then you lose them. You can buy them back for ½ price or permanently sell them for a ½ price refund.

Fire Sword: 40
Unbreakable shield: 64

You have 20 points.

Start with cheaper weapons and then build up from there.

Examples for you to base price scale:
Folding chair: 1
Rope: 3
Whip: 6
Chain: 7
Wooden roundshield: 8
Kitchen knife: 8
Dagger: 11
Shortsword: 14
Spear: 14
Poison-dipped dagger: 17
Longsword: 22

I will get a shortsword. Also,
Poison-dipped dagger: 17
Nice runescape joke.

Purchased you the poison dagger. 3 more needed to start.

Wait, I said shortsword, not Poison dagger, I meant that the dagger was a nice runescape joke

Wait, I said shortsword, not Poison dagger, I meant that the dagger was a nice runescape joke
Oh my bad, I will adjust.

im teaming with gyt and we will be called the chair force

I enter with a spear and a wooden circular shield!!

Spear - 14

Shield - 5 or 6?

i enter with 20 chairs
20 chairs for me too
It was kinda implied in rule 3a that you can only bring with you what you can successfully carry in with you in one trip.  I'll allow it for now. In the future, you can get around it by tying a rope or chain around the chairs before the match. Simple preparations like that are allowed.  For now, you have your chairs.

I enter with a spear and a wooden circular shield!!

Spear - 14

Shield - 5 or 6?
Spear is 14 and WCS is 8, so a total of 22.

I'll add your name to the combatants list with the spear. You'll have until morning to figure out adjustments.

Also, you don't always need to take in all your arsenal. If you don't want to take in all of it, feel free to hoard it in your inventory.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 04:50:33 AM by SWAT One »

We shall rename our team "SS&S" standing for short swords and spears


Theres no Agent! Only Spearman!