
cut or uncut?

cut (circumsized)
66 (50.4%)
uncut (uncircumsized)
65 (49.6%)

Total Members Voted: 131

Author Topic: [POLL] cut or uncut?  (Read 18419 times)

You make me want to support circumcision just because of how much of an obnoxious handicap you are.

User was banned for this post

thankfully I agree with badspot on most political issues
Good lord I hope this was a permanent ban.
Beachbum posts more quality content in a day than you have in your forum career. hes banned a week
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 12:33:50 AM by GRIMLOCK_ »

thankfully I agree with badspot on most political issues

ur both nerds

Beachbum posts more quality content in a day than you have in your forum career.

Beachbum posts more quality content in a day than you have in your forum career.
Sorry I don't go around posting a forced meme all the time I guess.

You make me want to support circumcision just because of how much of an obnoxious handicap you are.

User was banned for this post
Maybe he'll actually shut the hell up for once

Maybe he'll actually shut the hell up for once

You have a week to start the revolution

I'm cut, and that's cool, don't really feel too strongly about it
as far as other people go I'm not picky, but my boyfriend's uncut so I guess in some ways I prefer that

Maybe he'll actually shut the hell up for once

take your own advice once and a while kimon

Long sperg-out below.  Sorry friends.  Feel free to ignore it.

There is extremely strong scientific evidence that circumcision mitigates the risk of contracting certain STDs

No there isn't.  There is no conclusive data on this as there are numerous conflicting studies.

In fact, the places where circumcision is most prevalent, HIV rates are often the highest.  The US has one of the highest HIV rates in the West as well as one of the highest circumcision rates.  African countries have many of the highest circumcision rates as well as the highest HIV rates.

On the other hand, European countries have lower circumcision rates and lower HIV rates.

Hmmm... It's almost as if there's no correlation.

It's kind of a complicated debate, but I don't think it's appropriate for the heavy anti-circumcision advocates to compare it to genital mutilation when that's obviously not the case.

It is genital mutilation.

I know it upsets people to hear that, but removing healthy tissue from a child is mutilation.  Period.  Full stop.

I know you're thinking of FGM when you hear that, and when you think of FGM you think of infibulation.  Only 10% of FGM cases are infibulation.  The rest is removal of clitoris and other parts, and "mutilation" also includes just a simple ritual knick on the genitals.

And in the countries that DO practice FGM, guess loving what?  They probably practice MGM as well.  Without anaesthetic.  In the same conditions as the girls.  Go tell a boy who's in the middle of the procedure, screaming in pain that hey, it's not genital mutilation right?  It's not that bad, right???  At least you're not a girl!!!

While we're comparing, only about 165 million women and girls have been mutilated, versus over 1 billion men and boys (6x more), including in "civilized" countries.

The vast, vast majority of circumcised people have absolutely no issues

Except for the unbelievable pain during the procedure (it's only a baby though; they're not going to remember it anyway, right?? so it's okay to literally torture infants).

Except for the loss in sensitivity.  The glans keratinizes over the years and gets desensitized.  The frenulum (aka the "male g-spot") is also removed; a very sensitive part.

Except for the children who die during the procedure.

Except for the children who lose their snake or get it forgeted up from an incompetent doctor.

You're only thinking of the West, where we have sterile conditions.  In most places where they practice it, it's not under those conditions.  In fact, 11 boys died recently in South Africa from a ritual circumcision, with many others hospitalized.  70 deaths in total in 2016 in South Africa alone.
and the resistance to STDs might even make it a net-positive procedure.

Go forget yourself.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 12:54:51 AM by Electrk. »