Author Topic: Charlottesville protests thread  (Read 55707 times)

The keyword there is should. Obviously it doesn't. But imo that's simply because the law has yet to catch up with the internet.

Extending the first amendment to protect end users from termination of service if they violate the terms they legally agreed to follow makes absolutely no sense

i don't consider a nationalist a patriot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

well you're objectively wrong then

The keyword there is should. Obviously it doesn't. But imo that's simply because the law has yet to catch up with the internet.

what law are you even talking about?  it's an agreement that you make when you sign up

a nationalist is a patriot but they're also a disgrace

"united" states of america

of course, it goes against the principles of the first amendment, that much is fair enough

Well that was the only point I was trying to make

well you're objectively wrong then

what law are you even talking about?  it's an agreement that you make when you sign up

it goes against the principles of the first amendment, that much is fair enough

Extending the first amendment to protect end users from termination of service if they violate the terms they legally agreed to follow makes absolutely no sense

They shouldn't be allowed to have a ToS that would violate the first amendment

i don't consider a nationalist a patriot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That is... loving handicapped

the law should never prevent companies from doing what they do speech-wise unless it's like that violent fear-mongering stuff

that being said, you are actively killing your business by booting people off the platform that you disagree with, just look at twitter

i think they'll get by without the neo-national socialist support lol

They shouldn't be allowed to have a ToS that would violate the first amendment
That is... loving handicapped

saying that ToSes shouldn't violate the first amendment is pretty dumb. it's clear if there's censorship going on, that's when people leave the program. there's a big difference between censorship and protection, whether for the company or the general people
the people on twitter are all seriously handicapped and are literally supporting national socialistsm and murder

I mean I hope discord is also shutting down Antifa and BLM discords that are associated with different riots. Otherwise that would be pretty loving hypocritical.

They shouldn't be allowed to have a ToS that would violate the first amendment

As it stands, a ToS can't violate your first amendment unless they actively try to, which I can guarantee you isn't something that happens.

It's more anti-consumer to negate the consequences of violating the ToS for a very specific people than it is to let groups dictate what their terms are, anyways.

you are actively killing your business by booting people off the platform that you disagree with, just look at twitter

Discord gets their business from a specific subset of users, considering their startup status.

i think they'll get by without the neo-national socialist support lol

Except not everyone who is turned off by them doing this is a neo-national socialist. You guys really need to stop thinking like that, it's not a very sensible position.

shrug emoji

As it stands, a ToS can't violate your first amendment unless they actively try to, which I can guarantee you isn't something that happens.

Oh boy

They shouldn't be allowed to have a ToS that would violate the first amendment
while i agree in some respects, and i kinda chuckle at the idea of the free market always sorting these things out, i can't say i would support any attempts to actually legislate that. businesses aren't technically the government. there'd be no legal precedent for that kind of policy, and the idea of that precedent existing isn't too exciting. applying constitutional restrictions on private individuals (cus precedent effectively states that businesses are people) logistically makes no sense, and is also very immediately recognizable as a terrible idea. if you've ever been worried about having legal repercussions for using hateful language, that would enable it

well you're objectively wrong then
a patriot is someone who is proud of their country and is willing to defend it if necessary. nationalism is patriotism that has been perverted with aggression and superiority towards other countries or people. they are hateful and preach superiority over independence. so no, i don't believe i'm wrong, but i'm not going to think that warmongering is what this country stands for and you won't convince me otherwise.

You can't go into googles headquarters and start shouting "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW". They have every legal right to kick you out. Same goes for websites. You aren't in a public place you are on a website on the internet owned by a private corporation. The problem is that there aren't enough competing companys with youtube or discord or whatever so when someone does it kicked off one of these sites it feels like the are silencing your speech completely because of their massive reach and because you really have nowhere else to go.