Author Topic: People keep asking me if I'm dead or in jail  (Read 8973 times)

Called it

If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned dude.

But who can turn down fire?

But who can turn down fire?
People who know better than to play with it.

brothers who delve into the pit and never get out, spell "PERSONALITY"

People who know better than to play with it.

Playing with fire makes you more of man. It's called learning experience :)

-brother what the forget-
i think you shouldnt get another gf for like a solid 10 years if thats your reaction to losing a hoe to another dude

Playing with fire makes you more of man. It's called learning experience :)
Getting involved in bad relationships that are doomed to fail does not make you more of a man. Sure, it may create situations that are emotionally very difficult to get through, which can potentially harden you, but it's still a situation you could have entirely avoided had you exercised wisdom and not gotten involved with a cheater (which by the way many people here warned you about and you ignored their warnings). If anything you've been a fool messing around with her and now you are reaping the consequences in your loneliness and brokenheartedness.

You may be able to make jokes about it like you're doing now with some of your responses in this thread, but I know you're only doing that because you're really broken inside because of this and you're trying to shrug it off. I've partially been there too with my ex-girlfriend who was a borderline cheater, but I dumped her and got her out of my life before it got bad, so I know what it feels like to really love someone and feel like they've betrayed you. Just be more wise next time with who you choose to date.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 01:40:54 PM by Planr »

it's one thing to forgive somebody for cheating in the past

it's another when the person cheats on their boyfriend to be with you

stuffty person. kind of surprised you didnt see it coming

yeah, you were infatuated with a thot, and instead of taming your infatuation and accepting that she's a thot you sought emotional thrill - despite what plenty of people told you - and you ended up catching feelings

im sorry to hear the outcome and i'm glad u learned something from it, but jumping into a hardly-convincing "free candy" van doesn't make you more of a man than someone who doesn't lol

yo planr you dont have to rub it in or keep goin "i told u so" - xr7 already admitted he knew he forgeted up. telling him again now just makes u look like ur on a high horse or something

telling him again now just makes u look like ur on a high horse or something
planr would never do that

yo planr you dont have to rub it in or keep goin "i told u so" - xr7 already admitted he knew he forgeted up. telling him again now just makes u look like ur on a high horse or something
planr is always on his high horse

planr is always on his high horse

Don't say that or he'll ban you from his server.

If anything you've been a fool messing around with her and now you are reaping the consequences in your loneliness and brokenheartedness.

nothing says righteous like repeatedly hammering home how it's somebody's fault their SO broke up with them

Don't say that or he'll ban you from his server.
OH NO! not star trek family rp