Author Topic: Investing types & Crypto Discussion $$$  (Read 34790 times)

im waiting for a few alt coins to crash in price some more to buy in, but bitcoin rising is loving it up. every few seconds the alt price's gets lower and lower but the purchase power remains the same. forget XD

i figured out that shouting "bitcoin" at old people scares them, just wanted to share this with you all

i officially bought ~$50 of ether

i figured out that shouting "bitcoin" at old people scares them, just wanted to share this with you all

what even is with this market today

market crash is eminent

"You know it's time to sell when shoeshine boys give you stock tips. This bull market is over." - Joe Kennedy

all my relatives want to buy bitcoin.
like it or not, a bunch of uninformed investors are jumping on the bandwagon and this will eventually be the demise of it

i'm giving this bull run another 2 weeks to maybe 2 months before a huuuge correction, then all the panic investors will sell

every frickin time i think its stalling and i sell some it goes up 3k overnight

bitcoin is becoming insanely popular now that the price has just went up over $16k. im seeing stuff about it in the news.

I'm waiting for Ether and Litecoin to rise after bitcoin loving explodes.

everyone is getting into it right now because of the media coverage.

my portfolio is forgetin YUGE right now :D

older brother just bought $100 worth of bitcoin and it's already up to about $180. holy stuff.

buying bitcoin at this point is autistic

I'm waiting for Ether and Litecoin to rise after bitcoin loving explodes.
i'm expecting a 6-10k price correction followed by a surge in ethereum and litecoin

some kid at school is eating up the hype rn and his twin brother just bought $8.5k of bitcoin

im tryna get some litecoin rn

i have $100 to start investing. where do i start?