Author Topic: Famous Blocklanders?  (Read 5670 times)

requests channel made some videos about pie crust
didn't he reply on the forums at one point

we drove a kid to Self Delete?

Yea I Self Deleted by stab but I got better

Iban forgeted up 8chan for a while.

Lord Tony is a known troll in a lot of places I frequent lol

I remember finding a brony documentary he posted that got a lot of traction
I remember mentioning him on another game and it ended up getting someone going on about him, and this guy had no idea what Blockland even was. lol

do we know where this was or what username it was under? that'd go a long way in connecting them

can't believe no one mentioned hawf

he helped make the fast learner for tf2 and now he makes stuff for dota, a lot.

krionikal models for tower unite

arekans a dev on phantom forces (a roblox game) which is p much one of the most popular games on it rn