Author Topic: what do people look for in a weaponset  (Read 4926 times)

just curious, I know Tier Tactical and H+K and all that are popular so I'm just wondering what makes them good

this doesn't apply to everyone and it's not necessarily required but personally i like when they can be mixed and matched with some other weapon add-ons without causing too many problems
i also like when at least some of the weapons are more unique in some way, but that's also not rly required especially if ur going for a more realistic pack

but also just being fun to fight with and against is another important thing :)

good models and sounds

I agree with both Torin and Gr8dayseth, a good weapon pack should all around have good models, sounds, a nice balance and something unique about it and not just "ak47 and m16"

I honestly prefer guns to have Iron sights and scopes but not a lot of people do honestly, 2 other things I look for are no stuffty reloading animations that repeat 10 times and no fov issues.

I look for a pack that has many models that all match in styling. I also like to have a few choices between guns that are all similar from a combat perspective. It's also good to have options such as ammo toggle, max and min ammo, and i really like H&K's different damage modes. When you have an array of shotguns, rifles, pistols, etc its easy to get a "customized" team load out that behaves similarity to another teams load out. But also has its own identity because they are all different guns that evenly match each other. Right now with whats released, my pack of choice is HK along with HK extended. Anything that screws around with FOV is an instant no.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 09:13:53 AM by The Brighter Dark »

people need to stop creating new weaponset paradigms and just conform new weapon packs to function in already existing weapon set paradigms. eg more T+T gun packs or more SFWEPS packs

people need to stop creating new weaponset paradigms and just conform new weapon packs to function in already existing weapon set paradigms. eg more T+T gun packs or more SFWEPS packs
Disagreed, I love T+T and I always like it when people make content that fits the theme, but I also love to see unique and creative new weapon sets. not everyone can fit into the mold of already existing sets anyway. plus new weapon sets sometimes lend themselves really well to new gamemodes, or just greater possibilities in general for interesting mini-games.

I think that bushido's quake weapons is the best weapon pack to exist in terms of balance, aesthetic and feel. There's a weapon for everyone and each one is unique and almost none of them overlap in function.

Weapon sets with balanced weapons each with their own functions, strengths and weaknesses are great. A lot of packs just throw as much weapons as they can into the pack (HK and T+T are guilty of this) and you'll have like 6 different SMGs which all basically function the same or some are slightly better than the other and that ends up being bloated and useless besides aesthetic.

SWEPS is another personal favorite because the ammo system and guns work together and balance each other out, there are just enough guns for it to be a pack and not be a mess of guns. They all work together well in their own scenarios (m16 and m60 conflict in function) but apart from that its all good
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 04:06:17 PM by PhantOS »

i like it when the weapons don't have hands modelled onto them

i like it when the weapons don't have hands modelled onto them
its the exact opposite for me

i like simplicity and something that looks like it was from the game to begin with

Proper use of the texture system, as in like using Black50, Black25 and so on, that way I know the majority of the playerbase is going to see the intended colors instead of blank white crap. Having one weapon for each logical class (assault rifle, marksman rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun) is a plus. Having two weapons for each class and having one weapon come from 1st word and the other coming from the 2nd world is a big plus.

I don't like hit-scan crap or weapons that are incredibly inaccurate unless you're like crouching and only firing once per year. I don't like invisible projectiles. I don't like intrusive overly complicated animations like you see in that ancient L4D pack, mostly because it looks like stuff for anyone who has more than like 0.2 yoctoseconds of latency

Balancing is cool but I think a lot of weapon makers go overboard with it and end up making guns that feel really weak and lame to shoot or they end up making weapons that can't hit the broad side of a barn door at 10ft. Just having weapons that function logically is enough for me

Don't like weapon that prints a ton of stuff to my screen. I get the need for ammo counters but it almost always looks like crap imo and it really peeves me when the gamemode and player weapon are fighting for a space on the centerprint/bottomprint

Glass preferences to toggle sights/ammo
not everyone likes using sights/ ammo