Author Topic: Worst injuries you guys have ever had?  (Read 4646 times)

god, reading through this thread i could feel myself shiver. some of you guys have been through a lot.

Porbably a ~2 inch deep cut right above my nose/center forehead when my sister dropped a plank on my head when building a fort in the backyard. Glad it landed there and not in my eye kek

Porbably a ~2 inch deep cut right above my nose/center forehead when my sister dropped a plank on my head when building a fort in the backyard. Glad it landed there and not in my eye kek

had something similar happen but a shelf fell on my head in the hospital. we could've probably sued tbh but too much money to do so.

I climbed up a ladder to kill a spider, I crushed it but the little forget was still alive, fell off a ladder and onto my left arm. That stuff hurt for loving months, if I moved it the wrong way id be in loving terrible pain like I just got shot or some stuff.

back when I was eleven my imagination would always involve me getting hurt, but this one was the worst of all

I imagined I was in Mirrors Edge and I slid down a small hill. Meanwhile I was sliding I kneeled up for some reason and cut my right knee open.

Top 3 in chronological order:

1. Got pushed off of a trampoline in midair and landed on the sidewalk, shattering my right arm up to my shoulder (had to have my wrist reconstructed). 1st grade.
2. Accidentally lodged a stick in my hand on a Boy Scout campout an hour away from a hospital. Had to have it surgically removed. 4th grade.
3. Punctured a kidney by falling off of my bunk bed ladder onto a sharp desk corner. 5th grade.

broke my arm in a very minor way falling off my scooter on the way home from school

Top 3 in chronological order:

1. Got pushed off of a trampoline in midair and landed on the sidewalk, shattering my right arm up to my shoulder (had to have my wrist reconstructed). 1st grade.
2. Accidentally lodged a stick in my hand on a Boy Scout campout an hour away from a hospital. Had to have it surgically removed. 4th grade.
3. Punctured a kidney by falling off of my bunk bed ladder onto a sharp desk corner. 5th grade.
ouch. sure dident have a good time with your injuries during grade school.

i gots 2

1. riding my baby peanut bike off a small trailer (i didnt land on the wheels) and literally becoming dirt man himself
oh yeah and i got dirty cuts and i could barely walk but in like 1 minute
2. everytime i fell on my compootis chair because of weird sitting habits in my early 7's

I climbed up a ladder to kill a spider, I crushed it but the little forget was still alive, fell off a ladder and onto my left arm. That stuff hurt for loving months, if I moved it the wrong way id be in loving terrible pain like I just got shot or some stuff.
I read this as the spider falling on your arm and crushing it and I just thought what the forget

Fell off of a two story balcony and fractured my back

I mean
I did have no shirt on and I tripped and my face ate the dirt and my back hit a cactus which gave me a really bad rash.
The dirt wouldn't come off for a week, thankfully it was over spring break

fell eleven stories and broke my left leg, hospital for three months
honestly very surprised I didn't die
what the forget

also had an incredibly bad car crash that messed up my left leg really badly