Author Topic: what grinds your gears - too small to make a drama on  (Read 96583 times)

Noedit: Gay pride is dumb. I'm fine if you're lgbtq but saying you have gay pride is like sephiroth saying white pride; you're implying that you are better than your counterpart, in this case heteroloveuals. People call out that they're gay like it's some big deal but you don't see straight people doing that.

-from sephiroth thread but more relevant here

why the forget do they only sell sour jolly ranchers in the most hidden place aaahhhh
velcro noise
Paying 800$+ to have my truck fixed just to have it keep leaking a bloody quart of power steering liquid a day

when people walk 2 steps per hour in school hallways
Noedit: Gay pride is dumb. I'm fine if you're lgbtq but saying you have gay pride is like sephiroth saying white pride; you're implying that you are better than your counterpart, in this case heteroloveuals. People call out that they're gay like it's some big deal but you don't see straight people doing that.

-from sephiroth thread but more relevant here
none of these are blockland related

Noedit: Gay pride is dumb. I'm fine if you're lgbtq but saying you have gay pride is like sephiroth saying white pride; you're implying that you are better than your counterpart, in this case heteroloveuals. People call out that they're gay like it's some big deal but you don't see straight people doing that.

-from sephiroth thread but more relevant here
I know right! The nerve of those loving homos! They get treated like stuff for centuries, now all of the sudden they want to take pride in who they are? yeah right. not on my watch.

i'll be sure to ban What Grinds Your Gears from my server /support

none of these are blockland related

When torin won't let us have nice things my cogs begin squeaking

Noedit: Gay pride is dumb. I'm fine if you're lgbtq but saying you have gay pride is like sephiroth saying white pride; you're implying that you are better than your counterpart, in this case heteroloveuals. People call out that they're gay like it's some big deal but you don't see straight people doing that.

-from sephiroth thread but more relevant here

This week on: Hot Takes by Twelve-Year-Old

Red Spy. I just kinda forgetin hate him. everything he says is passive aggressive bullstuff.
yeah that's it really.

this starfish

from trying to furry erp with a minor to admitting to blackmailing, this cunt never ceases to amaze me

this starfish

from trying to furry erp with a minor to admitting to blackmailing, this cunt never ceases to amaze me
your brother tried to blackmail a black mailer

Noedit: Gay pride is dumb. I'm fine if you're lgbtq but saying you have gay pride is like sephiroth saying white pride; you're implying that you are better than your counterpart, in this case heteroloveuals. People call out that they're gay like it's some big deal but you don't see straight people doing that.

-from sephiroth thread but more relevant here
uneducated child strikes again

[lucario] is actually disgusting and you should ban him from your server if you have the chance

people who act lewd all the time are subhuman