Author Topic: Worst Blocklander of the Year 2017 (Nominations)  (Read 15870 times)

Grimlock, Bedpost, and that Buzzwaker guy

give me more votes i want to nominate chakada as well

darth c3p0. meme killer supreme.

Ok what happened to this thread??

wasn't there another one with more pages or...

i nominate jincux and crown for giving handicaps like this a platform to sperg out on after theyve been banned from the forum for presumably the same reason

i nominate jincux and crown

I nominate torin for not knowing you can only nominate 3 people max
« Last Edit: January 28, 2018, 11:09:55 PM by Gamefandan »

I nominate torin for not knowing you can only nominate 3 people max
i make my own rules

I nominate torin for not knowing you can only nominate 3 people max
hey come on, this is for worst blocklander 2017, he did  that in 2018

i nominate jincux and crown for giving handicaps like this a platform to sperg out on after theyve been banned from the forum for presumably the same reason

this can't be real