Author Topic: Darth C3P0: EVERYONE I DONT LIKE IS A TROLL  (Read 39004 times)

because cinnamon is better than your forgetiung fruit loops forget you

But can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
because it has sugar on it

But can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
u can You man babey

they jack in the cinnamon duh

well my friend started heading home now so here we go i'll bite

Yeah take a page from gr8’s book and just be obnoxiously passive aggressive instead
I didn't accuse gr8 of being fake, I didn't even criticize gr8 for ''being nice''. I criticized him for being passive aggressive after he criticized somebody else for being blatantly aggressive.
i wasn't being passive aggressive at all, perhaps i could've worded it a bit better to make it seem less so but i was being 100% serious and helpful in that post
Take a page from gr8's book and be the most obnoxious and fake forumer alive
uh what lol
and i know it's no reason to dismiss ur post but, do u even know me all that well? cus i honest to god don't recognize u hardly at all
And if your response is going to be that it's fake, it's better than your fake irony and sarcasm, you numbskulls. You're every bit as insufferable as you think gr8 is
and like idk why i would fake being nice to people, i genuinely love being nice! it's a really good feeling when u know u've made someone's day by being nice to them :)
Grimlock is nice to me and my friends, therefore, Grimlock is nice to everybody. Stop feewing so fweatened by Grimlock
i'm not just nice to my friends i'm nice to a lot of people, even ones i barely know, even people i dislike sometimes, cus that's how i like to be! not sure what ur point is here lol
Is calling Seth a budget Magik Mage even an insult?
not even close to being one tbh :p
look seth is a fake ass nobody with no friends
this is probably his only social outlet
it's rly not u've seen me in discord lol
yeah real believable
tbh ur being kinda stubborn for not believing something as simple as a friend coming over to my house, not to mention with me having a nice attitude and all i've made plenty of friends both irl and online
look guis i got real peple in my lyf
yea i do :p
do note that kidalex goes out of his way to call out seth just for attention
this is true, he tried to start stuff against me recently in the blockland content creators discord for literally no reason too and the mods called him out on it

I don't think I have ever seen seth make a passive aggressive post. It's pretty clear when he's being helpful and when he's actually angry with a user.
u sure you're talkin bout seth here
Seth isn't being passive aggressive.
how is gr8 obnoxious at all
Imagine feeling threatened because someone tries to go out of their way to even so much as act nice
All I'm getting is you being not-so-subtly butthurt because I gave you stuff for being just as fake as you accuse gr8dayseth of being. The only difference is that nothing you post is in good faith.
i've never seen gr8 be passive aggressive, in fact he's one of the nicest forumers that i know of
I'm guessing this is the post you're talking about rally? It's not even passive aggressive. seth is levelling with grimlock, explaining in very simple terms why picking on socially inept teenagers on a lego forum makes him look like a moron. If you consider this passive aggressive, idk what to tell you. It's just... not.
i just wanna acknowledge all these posts too, these are all very true thank u

i just wanna acknowledge all these posts too, these are all very true thank u

Mate you're being a digeridoo idiot that doesn't know what he's doing. I (a professional game developer) have a lot of knowledge in forum posting and forum paragraphs and it isn't a real good idea to be dismissing other people's posts or else you'll be working at the Macca's down the road, mate.

alright im fluent in gr8dayhandicap so let me translate all of this

well my friend started heading home now so here we go i'll bite
"i finished crying about how i was shoved off my homo high horse so here we go ill make some half assed reply"
i wasn't being passive aggressive at all, perhaps i could've worded it a bit better to make it seem less so but i was being 100% serious and helpful in that post
"i wasnt being passive aggressive, i was regurgitating the popular opinion just to be liked more. perhaps i couldve actually come up with my own opinion but thats too risky to do"
uh what lol
"you are right, i am a fake and obnoxious piece of stuff"
and i know it's no reason to dismiss ur post but, do u even know me all that well? cus i honest to god don't recognize u hardly at all
"i am going to dismiss this post because i have no good comeback (because it is true)"
and like idk why i would fake being nice to people, i genuinely love being nice! it's a really good feeling when u know u've made someone's day by being nice to them :)
"i have to fake being nice to people. in reality i dont give two forgets about making someones day. im just really desperate for friends"
i'm not just nice to my friends i'm nice to a lot of people, even ones i barely know, even people i dislike sometimes, cus that's how i like to be! not sure what ur point is here lol
"i fake being nice to a lot of people, even ones i barely know or dont like, just because i am desperate for friends. i dont like to live this life at all lol"
not even close to being one tbh :p
"it is one"
it's rly not u've seen me in discord lol
"youve seen me in only bl related discords"
tbh ur being kinda stubborn for not believing something as simple as a friend coming over to my house, not to mention with me having a nice attitude and all i've made plenty of friends both irl and online
"you are being kinda stubborn, but you are right, that friend does not exist. it was an excuse for me to cry about being bitchslapped off my high horse"
yea i do :p
"no i dont"
this is true, he tried to start stuff against me recently in the blockland content creators discord for literally no reason too and the mods called him out on it
"this is true, he started to stuff on me in the bcc because i have no reason to be there because i never contribute anything to blockland at all besides handicapped posts on the forums"
i just wanna acknowledge all these posts too, these are all very true thank u
"i want to acknowledge all these posts too, because they all jack me off"

kidalex seriously chill and stop starting stuff lol
regardless of whether or not seth is a golden boy you're being a jackass about it

Mate you're being a digeridoo idiot that doesn't know what he's doing. I (a professional game developer) have a lot of knowledge in forum posting and forum paragraphs and it isn't a real good idea to be dismissing other people's posts or else you'll be working at the Macca's down the road, mate.
holy stuff its redpilled mcjob

am i the only one who notices that the same people who go "lol it's just a forum don't take it seriously" are the same people who get annoyed at the little stuff like seth being nice to other people

i'm not just nice to my friends i'm nice to a lot of people, even ones i barely know, even people i dislike sometimes, cus that's how i like to be! not sure what ur point is here lol

The point is that you love to preach this stuff at opportune times but you don't like to practice it. You don't come off as "nice" to me. You come off as someone who throws a thin layer of cutesy tumblr talk over everything they post so that when someone criticizes your behavior, suddenly they're the starfish for picking on the "nice" guy.

Aside from that, you're quite frankly just an extraordinarily average poster who exhibits very mainstream BLF behavior. So, when you get into arguments just like the rest of us do, you sound passive-aggressive/condescending because you're trying to ham-fist the nice guy gimmick into it simultaneously. Magik Mage never took sides because of this. You can't have your cake and eat it.