Author Topic: Dueling Swords [Update: Slayer uniform support and another shield nerf]  (Read 17799 times)

this addon makes me have love

is crashing to desktop as soon as i host with this addon enabled a feature

is crashing to desktop as soon as i host with this addon enabled a feature

insert console log to continue

i dont have any tokens
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 04:48:05 PM by TlTO »

this addon makes me have love
having love with swords is ill-advised but hey i won't kink shame

i dont have any tokens
try removing glass sometimes when stuff like that happens removing glass fixes it for me

They're pretty solid, even if I suck at using them.

why do my arms disappear when i unequip these

these are extremely fun, I can't believe u finished em so fast

why do my arms disappear when i unequip these
you have some addon that does %cl.applybodyparts(); and %cl.applybodycolors(); incorrectly i think

nevertheless i'll try to fix it, i think i came across a similar issue in prison break when writing the uniform code. i'll double check how i fixed it then and apply it to this mod for the shield update

rebranded gladius into short sword, implemented shields. are standalone items that stay equipped when swapping from them to a sword that allows a shield. short sword will be only default item in the pack that supports the shield.

when shield is equipped by itself, you block all projectiles and sword attacks from your front, though the projectile will still explode (so shields dont work against rocket launchers and the like). all shields function exactly the same way and are just cosmetically different.

when shield is equipped with sword, the shield replaces the parry action of the sword. parry time is also doubled, and cooldown increased by 50%, and the parry will also block projectiles from the front as well.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 01:38:50 PM by Conan »

Version 1.1.0

+Added shields - From right to left: Viking, Scutum, Heater Blue, Heater Red
+Renamed Gladius to Short Sword and adjusted the model accordingly
+Gladius given shield support - equip a shield, then equip the gladius to have both! The shield will be used to parry instead of the sword.
    +Shields increase size of parry zone, and block projectiles. They also double the parry time of the sword in use.
    +Using shields by themselves also applies this parry zone and projectile blocking. The shields have a half-second prep time upon equip to be usable.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 04:28:53 PM by Conan »