Author Topic: kidalex - record breaking size starfish  (Read 48549 times)

hes still a massive cunt
That's extremely hypocritical of you to say, Nix.
Just plainly disrespectful, Just think once before you speak, please.

It's hilarious because kidalex is obviously joking Everytime he posts like that but people like nix have to act like they just committed the worst of sins

forget you nix the glaceon. Grow some skin!

this drama dumb as forget except for that c3po vital organ steamed hams thing
thats a bit forgeted up

It's hilarious because kidalex is obviously joking
i was only pretending to break a rule

i was only pretending to break a rule
are u gonna reply to the drama about you or not

It's hilarious because kidalex is obviously joking Everytime he posts like that
A philosophical question: If you're pretending to be handicapped all the time, are you really pretending anymore?

That coming from the same guy who told everyone to log off and kill themselves, a clear violation of the no flaming rule. Either way it's pretty obvious when someone is actually flaming ie "forget you motherloving cunt kill yourself and your entire family friend bitch" as opposed to when they're facetiously or just sarcastically saying something like "forget you" or "forget off"


It's hilarious because kidalex is obviously joking Everytime he posts like that
its really annoying though for real

i was only pretending to break a rule
the rule 'no flaming' is intentionally vague for the reason that there's no distinct line between when you're flaming and not. If you're going to accuse kidalex of breaking a rule you might as well accuse a thousand other people of the same thing, all of which haven't been banned yet because it's obvious they aren't flaming

Your way too sensitive about interpreting the rules. I'm sure if I called you dumb you'd press the report button like five times. It only reinforcees how much you love to play victim and refuse to toughen your skin to a few harmless insults

its really annoying though for real
can't disagree here

hey nix you're an idiot.

justified mean words =/= flaming

youve been on this forum long enough. get with the program or continue being an idiot

kidalex has been trolling a lego forum since he was like 8

you gotta wonder where the line in the sand has to be drawn