Author Topic: NightHawk's Addon's Topic - Locked  (Read 26317 times)

if almost all addons are cars why is it called an addon topic just call it a vehicle topic so i don't mistake it for a topic with addons that actually fit the game's art style
I get what you're saying, but it's because there could be times where I might do other add-ons that are not vehicles. I used to do Decals and Weapons/Items/Props back then.

Hell, I had the idea to do a stapler gun as a weapon.
Or maybe some nerf guns
And get going on the LaserTag weapons for cryin' out loud. Lol

I get what you're saying, but it's because there could be times where I might do other add-ons that are not vehicles. I used to do Decals and Weapons/Items/Props back then.

Hell, I had the idea to do a stapler gun as a weapon.
Or maybe some nerf guns
And get going on the LaserTag weapons for cryin' out loud. Lol

god damnit i swear to god if you make nerf guns i will go nuts in joy

nerf magnum and vulcan when