Author Topic: Furby Player V2  (Read 10442 times)

do what you do and refer to wikipedia or something lmao

you'd be surprised
p sure the only pokemon research is unofficial.

p sure the only pokemon research is unofficial.
isn't there that one episode where team rocket dresses up as busty girls or something

EDIT: i found it lmfao

People like you make me loose hope in the next generation.

To be fair Pokemon is a pretty stuffty show. All Japanese fight shows where two people fight over the course of 2 episodes while a dozen people watch aren't that good. Dbz I'm looking at you

The genre takes pacing way too seriously and for that the show moves too slowly.

Why do people like to jack off to animals fighting each other for 22 minutes?
i don't even like pokemon for the fighting lmao

All of you, i hereby exile all of you from this place until you watch at least ONE episode of doraemon in its entirety before you complain.
Sick of your stuff now Zach.
Here's an idea for you, "I hereby exile you from this forum until you watch at least ONE tutorial on how to make a half decent model."

Yes, a lot of people make fun of you on here, but some of us here have tried to help YOU but clearly you only care about the negatives than the positives.
Do yourself a favour man, start ignoring them and start listening to the people who want to help you for crying out loud.

and I've also watched like 200 episodes of doraemon and 10 movies so I have a right to post in your thread

prove it

how is she going to prove the fact that she's watched an anime??? are you going to go to her house and drain her memories to find out if she's lying or not???

how is she going to prove the fact that she's watched an anime??? are you going to go to her house and drain her memories to find out if she's lying or not???
so many female pronouns!

People like you make me loose hope in the next generation.

zach is like the final nail in the coffin of 'autism isn't real'