Author Topic: Fortnite Battle Royale (Season 7/New Creative Mode!)  (Read 65683 times)

I got pretty bored of this game tbh

A couple days ago my friend died early on in our duo game, ended up winning it with 10 kills. The game may get boring at times but stuff like that keeps it going for me.

edit: spelling
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 01:42:00 PM by MasterOfGames24 »

I got pretty bored of this game tbh
that's understandable, taking a break from certain games is good for u, especially if they can get repetitive
maybe later if u decide to pick it up again u'll like it more!]
woah what the heck lol

i won my first solo and i had 69 shield (epi)c

so basically its vs saxton hale

basically the infinity gauntlet + 6 multicolored stone items. when someone with the glove picks up all 6 of the stone items, they can use the glove and it kills half of the server. those killed dont die instantly, but they gradually become invisible over the course of like 4 seconds and once they become completely invisible they die

arggggh fartnite stole my idea!

so basically its vs saxton hale

if people kill thanos then they can take the glove

post your wins so far

306 matches played in 51 minutes seems a little weird.

306 matches played in 51 minutes seems a little weird.
wtf i didnt even notice that. maybe something forgeted up whenever stats stopped working for that one week

306 matches played in 51 minutes seems a little weird.

holy crap trog with the speedrun strats