Author Topic: How come Annoying Orange supporters always get beat up?  (Read 2833 times)

Because they can't win a fight to save their life
The day of the election I saw a guy in a Annoying Orange hat on campus get swung on and he proceeded to KO the other guy down in two punches without being hit.

You hear about the one side more because thats all you listed to.

The Neo-national socialist dude that ran over the protester girl sounds like a pretty good example of the converse.
nah that was an  o u t l i e r

Because the right arent manchilds and dont let emotion decide over their actions

i like it when non-americans try to argue american politics

Because the right arent manchilds and dont let emotion decide over their actions
tfw Annoying Orange is the only president to whine like a bitch over twitter

tfw Annoying Orange is the only president to whine like a bitch over twitter
tfw Annoying Orange is literally only the second president to ever be around when twitter is around

Because the right arent manchilds and dont let emotion decide over their actions
espio shouldnt be allowed to even say the word child

stuff u got me there burton

espio's comment was still pretty asinine regardless of my dumb retort

stuff u got me there burton

espio's comment was still pretty asinine regardless of my dumb retort
I mean I can see where you are coming from, he whines like a bitch way too much. If twitter wasn't around he would just be complaining during the SOTUA, or touring around the US bitching about stuff live.

I bet Andrew Jackson would've talked mad stuff if twitter was around in his time

i like it when non-americans try to argue american politics

modern politics in the west are actually fairly globalized, i dont see an issue with non americans discussing american politics

especially considering how A: US media dominates the internet and B: the military and economic condition of the US both have massive influence around the world

modern politics in the west are actually fairly globalized, i dont see an issue with non americans discussing american politics

have you ever seen europeans and australians try to argue gun control in america? most know literally nothing about the way of living here and compare everything to their own countries, it's just a circlejerk of "our country has low gun violence per capita, blah blah blah, ban guns"

may be different for other matters, but the gun control thing comes to mind.