Author Topic: someone brought a gun to my school  (Read 5399 times)

I don't know of many honor students that used shotguns because of the reloading part if they wanted to go for brutal they would use a shotgun but if they wanted the highest k/d they wouldn't use a shotgun because it takes longer to reload
columbine shooters used shotguns

the problem with your argument is that you're shifting the blame for the issue from the perpetrator to the tool. scapegoat fallacy.
i'm willing to bet that, for example, you would not call vehicular homicides a "car problem", but as a people problem.
that is the real issue here and it always has been. people are evil. guns are not.
Err no, my point is just that guns are obviously too available to 'evil people'

I would start calling vehicular homicide a 'car problem' as soon the american car association starts advocating for teachers to be driving in the classroom

are you aware that there is a background check process to determine whether you're legally allowed to own a firearm

are you aware that there is a background check process to determine whether you're legally allowed to own a firearm

I don't even own a gun. Never have.
How are you meant to join a well regulated militia to overthrow the government then????
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 05:03:25 PM by Darryl McKoy »

Again, what does "too available" even mean?

no idea
i'm not interested in engaging too far down the 'muh guns' rabbit hole with americans because it's absolutely pointless.
I don't even own a gun. Never have.
So if your argument is based on "oh, you just don't won't to give up your guns" then you couldn't be more wrong

it should be pretty evident what I mean when I say 'too available'
No, it's really not.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 05:20:33 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

then what do you mean by guns being too available if they're already legally unobtainable to these types of people

then what do you mean by guns being too available if they're already legally unobtainable to these types
No sorry, you're right - the system is good as-is. America must just have a higher concentration of evil kids causing the school shootings. It's a kid problem.

The Parkland shooter had a whole bunch of warning signs, including tips to the FBI that he said he wanted to shoot up a school, yet nothing was done.

The pro-gun people are the people saying that holes like that need to be fixed.

The anti-gun gun crowd isn't paying attention to that, they're focusing instead on doing things like banning X gun and not understanding that their proposed legislation leaves nearly identical guns completely legal

No I completely agree

As an additional step, we could ban all children from school by default until they pass some mandatory villainy/morality tests to remove the 'evil kid' element

condescension is going to get you nowhere

It was Planr who ultimately convinced me with this quote
the problem with your argument is that you're shifting the blame for the issue from the perpetrator to the tool. scapegoat fallacy.
i'm willing to bet that, for example, you would not call vehicular homicides a "car problem", but as a people problem.
that is the real issue here and it always has been. people are evil. guns are not.

I get it now. Guns aren't evil, kids are evil.

and further down the rabbit hole he falls

foreigner who doesn't understand how deeply embedded guns are into our culture thinks we should ban guns part 432

foreigner who doesn't understand how deeply embedded guns are into our culture thinks we should ban guns part 432
I don't think you should ban guns though?

well you've yet to make a coherent point
all you've done so far in this thread is throw out vague remarks and then make snarky comments when someone responds

your whole thing about guns being "too available" isn't really clear because you've yet clarify what you mean by that.  All you've said is "you know what I mean" when no, we don't.