Author Topic: [NEWS] Senate votes to save Net Neutrality  (Read 7805 times)

this is the joke people make about you

good job at working out that one champ

forced meme: still not funny

reminder though that this is almost certainly going to die in the House because republican congressmen will do literally anything to prevent government intrusion into industry, even in instances where it is incontrovertibly good for the American people

reminder though that this is almost certainly going to die in the House because republican congressmen will do literally anything to prevent government intrusion into industry, even in instances where it is incontrovertibly good for the American people

was going to say this but avoided due to possible backlash.

reminder though that this is almost certainly going to die in the House because republican congressmen will do literally anything to prevent government intrusion into industry, even in instances where it is incontrovertibly good for the American people


This thread reeks of Communism

This thread reeks of Communism
You heard it here first folks, fair market practices == communism

first, a society without private property was communism
then a state-controlled economy was communism
then government-funded social programs were communism
then taxes were communism
now regulations are communism
soon: all laws are communism
and then: anything short of anarcho-capitalism is communism

first, a society without private property was communism
then a state-controlled economy was communism
then taxes were communism
now regulations are communism
soon: all laws are communism
and then: anything short of anarcho-capitalism is communism

t. unironic communist

Honestly we shouldnt be in a situation where net neutrality needed to exist, but because of the controlled duopoly system that distributes Internet Service, and a lack of desire to forget with Mega Titans, its either net neutrality or Self Delete by lawsuit.

t. unironic communist
i was actually just commenting on how the right's definition of "communism" continues to get broader, more nebulous, and less useful as time goes on but okay

i was actually just commenting on how the right's definition of "communism" continues to get broader, more nebulous, and less useful as time goes on but okay

Just like your definition of "economics"

i was actually just commenting on how the right's definition of "communism" continues to get broader, more nebulous, and less useful as time goes on but okay
As a staunch conservative, I don't see the point in paying for a fire department when it's not my house on fire. What sort of commie bullstuff is that?