Author Topic: King Tony - over-reacting/stuffty troll/unneeded political threads  (Read 46669 times)

So is this not about me anymore?

So is this not about me anymore?
you're still an starfish, we're just putting you on hold to discuss other starfishs

*hold music*

your starfishry is important to us. if you'd like to continue your drama as intended, please post "1".
if you would like to inquire about people's feelings towards you, please post "2".
if you would like to derail the drama thread, please post "3".
for all other drama-related inquiries, post "not funny"

*hold music*

thank you for posting in blockland forums drama center. you have chosen "2", inquiries about people's feelings.

to inquire about people's attitude to:
your personality, post "1"
your special interestes, post "2"
your online behaviour, post "3"

to choose another issue, post "no u"

you're still an starfish,

I'm an starfish because I don't want piecrust loving up my thread?

I'm an starfish because I don't want piecrust loving up my thread?
you're an starfish for other reasons, tony
reasons that people have told you about in the past

to clarify my opinion, the following things were perfectly understandable:
> your complaints about people messing up your thread

the following things are why people hate you:
> your tendency to put words in other people's mouths
> your tendency to change the topic/divert the argument when you are getting cornered
> your general edginess and smarter-than-you attitude hey, that thread about your girlfriend sure was a trainwreck wasn't it
> your obsession with politics and assumption that you always hold the correct view
> your downright unnatural post frequency

piecrust is an starfish too, but as you said, this is your drama so i'm sticking to comments about you

pie crust, I got a question, did you break your dog's jaw from you trying to get it to blow you?

trick question

if I say no, you'd say I have a small rooster
if I say yes, you'd say that's animal abuse
what if I say maybe?

the following things are why people hate you:
> your downright unnatural post frequency

Out of everything you said.

I'm not sure why my post count is anyone's concern to care for.


you have a tactic of replying to unimportant/sarcastic parts of posts as though they were the main points of the post, which derails discussion by completely steering it away from what the people intended to talk about, while still "staying on topic" because the part you replied to was technically part of the post.

and the people who have noticed this habit of yours are always drowned out by those who blindly reply to your new posts

tl:dr you zoom into unimportant parts of posts to steer away from the main arguments, especially when you have no way to refute the main argument

and if you really want an explanation for
> your downright unnatural post frequency
this is mainly a booster point, because you post so much it makes your bad traits from the four actual points more pronounced, hence people tend to notice you more than a lesser-posting problem user and you piss off a larger part of the community

you have a tactic of replying to unimportant/sarcastic parts of posts as though they were the main points of the post

Then don't include unimportant/sarcastic parts in your posts.

I really don't know what to tell ya but you are basically tell me how I should reply to someone because it doesn't fit to your standards.

So I can't reply to them being sarcastic? k.

If ya wanna make a point then make a point.

if you go off point and make a sarcastic part in your post, then when you get mad at me for doing so maybe you should have just made your point instead.

"I don't know how to talk to people so I want people to change the way they talk to me"

i'm not going to try to argue about people's communicative styles with you

but if you're going to say things like that, why not reply to every part of people's post? instead of cherry-picking the things you can lash out at and ignoring the parts which you don't want to acknowledge

because if you only reply to parts of a post, you're implying that the person is right about everything else. even if you actually have proof that they're wrong, the message you are sending to people is that you have no counterargument to it.

tl:dr reply to the whole post and you won't sound like a cornered bitch