
TAB, how is it?

Better than PUBG
17 (56.7%)
Worse than Fortnite
1 (3.3%)
All Battle Royales Suck
3 (10%)
Liberals BTFO
4 (13.3%)
Another fad
5 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 30

Author Topic: Totally Accurate Battlegrounds Thread (Formerly Free Game Thread 1.1)  (Read 8400 times)

This game needs some optimization done, most of the buttons take multiple inputs for them to do anything, even sometimes left click takes multiple clicks.

This game needs some optimization done, most of the buttons take multiple inputs for them to do anything, even sometimes left click takes multiple clicks.

i've only had this issue with the map button and the button to exit the trucks.

rendering optimization was fixed 10/10
gunplay is 50% skill and 50% luck
no fall damage
final showdown is loving lit

cant choose between party play and solo
buttons sometimes don't take an input
cant loving ADS WHEN PRONE

cant loving ADS WHEN PRONE

it's just part of the physics. i don't think they can improve on this much.

god this runs like loving poop but I won for the first time, using an AK47 with an 8x scope, and a Thompson .45 with a 2x