Author Topic: Youtube made another pride video  (Read 20842 times)

how many people do you think actually do this
I'm guessing you have a pretty warped perspective, if your profile is correct in saying you live in california. surely you recognize that alabama, and much of the country, is very different from california

I'm guessing you have a pretty warped perspective, if your profile is correct in saying you live in california. surely you recognize that alabama, and much of the country, is very different from california
im an alabama monday and i wanna be free

oh shut the forget up

It has nothing to do with fearing LGBT people and everything to do with them not needing to be a topic of discussion for kids unless they ask

At what point is it pertinent for you to sit a little kid down and say "okay kiddo listen here this is a queer and they're not to be feared"

dudebro is gonna be like "brother what"
what he meant by it is that like how interracial relationships are kinda overlooked nowadays so nobody gets into a relationship with one of another race just for the sake of showing up conservatives
if you don't make a big deal out of it people will stop being gay just because it's cool or rebellious or """progressive"""

nice strawman you dull pencil

thanks I guess

what he meant by it is that like how interracial relationships are kinda overlooked nowadays so nobody gets into a relationship with one of another race just for the sake of showing up conservatives
if you don't make a big deal out of it people will stop being gay just because it's cool or rebellious or """progressive"""

I just.. what even

what he meant by it is that like how interracial relationships are kinda overlooked nowadays so nobody gets into a relationship with one of another race just for the sake of showing up conservatives
if you don't make a big deal out of it people will stop being gay just because it's cool or rebellious or """progressive"""
this wont work though because being gay isnt about just color swapping your spouse its about loving other men and people wont stop that lol

what he meant by it is that like how interracial relationships are kinda overlooked nowadays so nobody gets into a relationship with one of another race just for the sake of showing up conservatives

what he meant by it is that like how interracial relationships are kinda overlooked nowadays so nobody gets into a relationship with one of another race just for the sake of showing up conservatives
if you don't make a big deal out of it people will stop being gay just because it's cool or rebellious or """progressive"""
why do u keep avoiding my question i just want to know

I'm guessing you have a pretty warped perspective, if your profile is correct in saying you live in california. surely you recognize that alabama, and much of the country, is very different from california

"you have a warped perspective because you're x, but i don't because i'm x²"

it might just be me but i've probably seen four gay people in my entire life even though i apparently live in the gay capital of the world. i think most people don't have time to think or even care about gays because they're 5% of the total population. and if you're going off an anecdote consider that it's you people are looking weird at, not someone like dave rubin
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 08:54:15 PM by Red Spy »

honestly people who are constantly PDAing in public are annoying gay or not

why do u keep avoiding my question i just want to know
This is getting stupid. His joke didn't make sense, end of story. There are a million other nonsense jokes you could nitpick on here, it's so obvious this is just random harassment towards Drydess.

honestly people who are constantly PDAing in public are annoying gay or not
this so much tbh

This is getting stupid. His joke didn't make sense, end of story. There are a million other nonsense jokes you could nitpick on here, it's so obvious this is just random harassment towards Drydess.
what did the canadians do

PRIDE literally started as a parade to shove gayness in peoples faces

In the 50s and 60s, there was a huge anti-gay culture

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and police departments kept lists of known homoloveuals, their favored establishments, and friends; the U.S. Post Office kept track of addresses where material pertaining to homoloveuality was mailed.[17] State and local governments followed suit: bars catering to homoloveuals were shut down, and their customers were arrested and exposed in newspapers. Cities performed "sweeps" to rid neighborhoods, parks, bars, and beaches of gay people. They outlawed the wearing of opposite gender clothes, and universities expelled instructors suspected of being homoloveual.[18] Thousands of gay men and women were publicly humiliated, physically harassed, fired, jailed, or institutionalized in mental hospitals. Many lived double lives, keeping their private lives secret from their professional ones.

A huge turning point against this was the Stonewall Riots, where a police raid against a gay bar was met with resistance. Pride parades are the anniversary celebration of this turning point. It's not just LOOK AT ME I'M GAY, it's a celebration of how far society has come that people don't have to hide anymore in fear of anyone finding out

I have no problem with loveual education but that doesn't need to include LGBT stuff in it? love ed is about practicing safe love, not going on a spirit journey to find out if you're LGBT.
There are LGBT-specific love-education issues, such as the prevalence of HIV in gay men compared to other populations.
These issues are taught to the whole class, because the alternative is singling out those who are LGBT and putting them in a different class
If you think a "spirit journey" is ridiculous then yeah, I'll agree with you there. I think most people will. But are any schools actually doing this?

"you have a warped perspective because you're x, but i don't because i'm x²"
That's a completely legitimate point.
People in a very blue state are going to have a different experience than people in a very red state, when it comes to such a charged issue

i've probably seen four gay people in my entire life
gays ... are 5% of the total populatiom
So you've only seen 80 people in your entire life?

honestly people who are constantly PDAing in public are annoying gay or not